Friday, July 25, 2014

Manuel Sanchez Will ~ 1839 Santa Fe

In the city of Santa Fe, on the 15th of May 1839 at about five o’clock in the evening. I was advised that don Manuel Sanches had died intestate; that his wife was seriously ill and in great danger that their children were very small; therefore, don Ygnacio Ortiz required me to go to the house of mourning to receive the keys and consequently the rest of the goods or chattels contained therein.  In order to proceed to take an inventory so that the estate may not suffer losses or deteriorate, thus damaging the interested parties.

Santa Fe, May 22, 1839

In virtue of the foregoing proceedings, don Jose de Jesus Sanchez and don Ygnacio Ortiz being present for himself and for his brother, don Jose Francisco Ortiz, I ordered that the chattels which are known to belong to the deceased Manuel Sanchez be placed before them so that they can proceed with the inventory.  The inventory consists of the following:

1.      A warrant of payment against the Treasury of this department, dated September 23, 1838, signed by don Jose Caballero and don Jose Francisco Baca y Terrus.
2.     A note of don Vicente Sanchez Vergara, for 50 pesos dated February 11, 1828, and a letter from the same Sanches requesting a loan of 50 or 50 pesos, dated March 20, 1838.
3.     A note of don Teodocio Quintana in which he acknowledges owing 16 pesos and corresponding interest.
4.     A note for 12 pesos, 6 reales, signed by don Jose Abreu in favor of don Jose de la Lus Jacques.
5.     A note of don Ramon Baca for 16 pesos and its interest every 8 days.
6.     A receipt from don Jose Xacques for a mule.
7.     A note of don Jose Maria Melendres for 15 pesos, with interest of one real for every eight days.
8.     A note of Manuel Chaves for 15 pesos, with interest every eight days.
9.     A note of Sergeant Pablo Domingues, for 12 pesos and interest.
10.  A note of Jose Ribera for a wardrobe due don Jose Maria Miera.
11.  A note of don Blas Hinojos, deceased for 172 pesos which belong to the don Antonio Maria Sanches.
12.  A receipt from Ramon Velarde for 13 pesos.
13.  A note of Manuel Tafoya for 100 serapes.
14.  A note of don Mariano Chaves for 61 ewes.
15.  A receipt from don Eliseo Stanley for 13 pesos.
16.  A document from don Antonio Jose Chaves, in which it is recorded that he sold to don Manuel Sanches the portion of the house belonging to his sister, Tereza.
17.  A note from don Nicolas Quintana for 100 pesos which he owes the deceased and other letters.
18.  A note of Miguel Seledon for 40 vigas at two reales each.
19.  A note of don Ygnacio Miera for 100 ewes.
20.  A note of the Reverend Father Mariano Sanches Vergara for 100 pesos.
21.  A deed for the house at Santa Fe.
22.  A note of don Diego Sisneros for 50 pesos.
23.  A note of don Juan de Dios Maese for 100 ewes on shares.
24.  A deed to La Majada in two pieces.
25.  One instrument for 100 ewes which Julian Martin had on shares; but the balance which he owes is not known.  One book containing the accounts of his servants.
26.  A bundle of anonymous lists and doubtful letters of payment with 25 pieces rubricated by the present justice.

The wooden furniture follows:

Two small desks with locks, two trunks lined with leather, in good condition; three trunks lined with coarse cloth, in poor condition; one small one; one made here, without lining; one liquor case with its corresponding equipment; of these two flasks and a cup are broken; two small boxes with locks; on big box with lock; two chairs and a small table; one bench; two barrels at the house, two at Jemez and one at Placer, making a total of five barrels.

27.   A note from don Francisco Archiveque for 10 reales being twelve o’clock this was suspended, to be continued as soon as we may return, which was commenced at seven o’clock in the morning and continued until half-past one in the afternoon of the same day.  Gaspar Ortiz, rubric; Domingo Fernandes, rubric and Santiago Sandoval, rubric.

Ten cartridges with bullets, and 65 loose bullets; 14 reales in cash in one of the drawers of the desk; 52 pesos and 1 ½ reales in cash in one of the drawers of the same desk; on package of ink; one pair of spectacles, on meridian; one package of vermillion, all in said drawer; 56 pesos and 3 ½ reales in a drawer in the said desk; one gold cross with a solid gold button of the same in a smoking case of fine beads, with a rosary from Jerusalem; a number of caps, two steel wedges; 4 ¼ ounces of grain gold in another small drawer of the same desk; one fine smoking pipe with two bowls and two old pipes for the same purpose; one small bottle half filled with cologne water; three bullet molds and one iron spoon, all found in the other writing desk; a child’s small box, fire tongs and some candle snuffers in the same desk.

In one trunk one new silk vest and another old vest; one blue cloth military jacket, first grade, with the epaulets of an ensign; two new jackets of the same; one pair of brown trousers; one first-grade cloth cloak in good condition; two books of on folio and three of ¼ folio; one parchment book, entitled “Cronica de Queretarano”; one silk shawl, one new silk dress; one old scarlet scarf; one Canton crepe shawl; one cardboard box containing remnants of Dutch linen and one gun-case; one man’s frill with its’ gold breast pin; one cardboard box containing two small bottles with a small amount of camphor; ¼ vara of flannel; one white handkerchief and an old cravat; one small brush and a tin snuff box; one cartridge belt, wick and steel and 14 cartridges; four remnants of double width cloth wainscoting containing 17 ½ varas, which makes 35 varas.

Of those mentioned in one trunk a child’s satin dress; one large high comb with brilliants; two high combs trimmed with gold; one pair of a child’s gilded shoes; one new mantilla with its silk lace; one silk American muffler; three old hose; one silver tumbler three forks and one spoon all of silver; one metal form and one candlestick of the same; one pair large scissors; one plastering trowel, three clothes brushes; one lead faucet; one steel rod with six wedges; two small gimlets; one chisel; one padlock without key; one tin cup; tree smoothing irons; two slates; one old bridle and one pair of spurs; another hammer without a handle; another small gimlet; two muslin pillowcases; another clothes brush; 30 etched crystal water glasses; five crystal bottles, two of them broken; one large crystal tumbler with a broken handle; one small crystal bottle; one horn back comb; two inkstands, one of porcelain and one of wood; six cheap mugs; two large cups and four small ones; two small crystal plates and another one, one black child’s homespun dress; one child’s dress of black Brittany cloth; one child’s dress of tarlatan with silk waist and one jacket belt; one child’s dress of white jean; a white tarlatan shawl, embroidered and one old tarlatan shawl; two horn back combs and one old Canton crepe shawl; 13 varas of fringe for table covers; one small box with mirror and a silver medal of Our Lady of Guadalupe, four sheets of white paper.

In another of the trunks a small tin box; a silver needle case; a small box containing one serving set of fine mother-of-pearl shell; one gold necklace with its cross; one reliquary and two gold pins; three heavy rings and 10 rings, all of them in gold; one large gold reliquary and one small with a gold chain; one metal belt buckle; one gold string with 14 beads and locket; six strings of fine pearls; one pair of damaged gold earrings and one pair of pendants; 11 small bottles containing gold and a small vermillion; one small silver star; one box of detonator caps and one small empty bottle; about ½ arroba of sugar; one tangled skein of scarlet thread; one pound of chocolate; one hammer; on razor hone; one small Latin book.

In another of the trunks three men’s shirts; four pairs of used white drawers; two pairs of old outing flannel drawers; one pair of embossed boots; one pair of first-grade black cloth trousers; another pair of embossed boots; one calico bed quilt; one used red jacket; one old dress of bombazine; one old child’s silk dress; one old pair of men’s cordovan shoes; one old buckskin bag containing an old iron; two pillowcases and one napkin; two pairs of women’s stockings used; one small book “Derecho de Gentes” a pair of garters and a beaded stock; one jacket of prairie dog skin; one fine old serge vest.

In another of the trunks already mentioned one unmade dress of yellow tarlatan; some worn out flannel drawers; one small gold rosary cross; one paper containing glass beads; one imitation pearl bead; one small bottle containing medicine; one brush; three old shirts; eight novenas and small books; one fire bellow; four lances without handles; two branding irons; one old pocket pistol; one broken pistol; two new iron spoons; ten old sickles; one old adze; one file of cast iron; one millstone spindle bushing and the rest belonging to the same; two cases each containing one raze; four more sickles, one unbleached muslin sheet; five large porcelain plates; one more; four small plates for a child; eight small dishes; one tin plate, one tin can; one tin funnel; one candle mold; one small earthen jug; one crystal lantern; 1 ½ hides of sole leather; one curry comb; one statue of Christ; 24 hold pictures on cowhide and one statue of the Infant; two high silk hats; six tin sconces; one black chamois skin; one old canvas jacket; five white chamois skins and one old strip; one multi-colored horsehair halter; one broken telescope; one old cartridge belt with seven cartridges; two pairs of pouches with their girdles and 45 candles; one small powder bottle; one container with 13 cartridges; one broken saw; one double-barreled shotgun with detonator; another single-barrel shotgun; another broken double-barrel shotgun without lock; another one of the same without a lock; one carbine; two shotguns in good condition and two broken; one sword and one sabre; one horse girdle; one scale with 6 ¾ pound weights and balances; one yellow plate; one new oil cloth hat with band; 10 mattresses, seven of them good and three in bad condition; 100 pesos cash for don Luis Rubidu at 6% interest; don Donaciano Vigil, 5; don Ygnacio Ortiz y Baca, 43 pesos, five modern blankets; one Saltillero serape; blankets bed quilts in use; one Navajo blanket; one can containing four ounces powder; 15 leather packsaddles, 13 ½ loads of salt; one camp tent of buckskin; two complete saddles; one large box; one box and one bucket of salt; one brass mortar; two small metal buckets and one large; one spit; one broken brass bucket; two old used kettles; one leather-covered chest; one iron frying pan; one copper kettle; one wooden bid; two iron griddles; one almud; one barrel without bottom; one copper boiler; one large crowbar; four axes, an extra one; and an extra barrel; one saddle trimmed with silver; two pairs of old hair trigger arms; two saddle trees, equipped; another of the same in poor quality; one pair of pistils; one pair of saddlebags and knapsack; three harness cinches; one hand axe; some pouches; one old tin kettle; one barrel without bottom.

May 23, 1839 resumed inventory.

One small iron bar; 54 ½ pints of liquor; 10 barrel hoops, one barrel and one lance; 26 goats with 21 kids; three burros; four horses; one female mule; 23 mules and male mules; one more that don Tomas Baca owes; 13 tame oxen; 11 cows and calves, from branding age up; 1,200 ewes held by Jose Ortiz; one house and lands in the Alamo ranch.  Two shares of the house and land of his deceased father; one piece of land in Cile (Sile), in the suburbs of San Francisco; 12 varas of land and a tumble-down room; 14 jugs belonging to him and others; of these nine are loaned to him by doña Rafaela Sanches; one broken bridle trimmed with silver; one saddle, complete with bride and spurs belong to Domingo, his son; two buckskin bags and one of canvas; 197 pints of aguardiente and 144 pints of wine.   The liquor and wine, according to the documents belong to the Senor Curate, don Ramon Ortiz, and in order that the said estate of the deceased may not be responsible, it was delivered to don Jose de Jesus Sanches, who has made himself responsible, and the corresponding receipt has been obtained and is herein attached to the inventory. 

The ranch at La Majada-

Of four horses, 23 mules and male mules, one mare, one mule that don Tomas Baca owes, 13 oxen, 11 head of cattle of branding age up, 1,200 ewes which are in the possession of don Jose Ortiz, a piece of land located in Cile and nine jugs.

In the house and in charge was don Anselmo Gonsales.  10 old packsaddles, 7 old packsaddles, incomplete; two old cupboards; one bedstead; two old boxes without covers; two benches; one small table; two broken footstools; on broken taboret; one almud; six old plowshares, on new; nine pair yoke straps and six yokes; two baps and one jacket, all of buckskin.

Dona Maria de la Luz Ortis, wife of the deceased don Manuel Sanchez, personally appeared before me at the home of don Ygnacio Ortiz and said that she was satisfied.  Signed Gaspar Ortiz, rubric; Maria de la Lus Ortiz (mark); Jose Ygnacio Ortiz, rubric with witnesses Domingo Fernandez, rubric and Santiago Sandoval, rubric.

Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell 912, Reel 5, Frame 381-403
©Henrietta M. Christmas

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