Monday, July 14, 2014

Lazaro Garcia, estate of his father, Juan Garcia de Noriega ~ 1739

At the villa of Santa Fe, on the 11th of May 1739, Lazaro Garcia de Noriega, soldier of this royal garrison whom I attest I know, presented himself before me, the Captain Antonio Montoya, Alcalde Mayor and Captain of War of the said villa, with witnesses.  Inasmuch, as Juan Garcia de Noriega, legitimate father of the grantor, during his lifetime had sold a piece of land to Antonio Santistevan, soldier of this royal garrison for the price and amount of 140 pesos and the said Juan Garcia de Noriega authorized a deed of sale for him, making use of his authority which the law permits as administrator for his said father.

The boundaries are on the other side of the river, whose boundaries on the east overlook lands of Simon Nieto; on the north, by lands of the grantor and on the south, lands of Captain Antonio de Ulivarri.  He sold and did sell for the price of 104 pesos, which the grantor acknowledged and received to his satisfaction.

Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell 844, Reel 4, Frames 1530-1532.
©Henrietta M. Christmas

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