I, Lugarda Quintana, native of this Kingdom,
and resident of this Villa of Santa Cruz, do make this last will and testament,
being ill in bed with an illness which God, Our Lord, has seen fit to send me,
and being of sound mind and judgment, through the Diving Grace.
Moreover, I order my executor, (for which
purpose I appoint my “compadre”, Pedro Sanches, whom, if God, Our Lord, shall
be pleased to take me from this life to the other, I select as such executor,
because my husband is absent and I do not know where he may be found) that my
body shall be entombed in the Parish Church of the Villa of Santa Cruz, in the
spot which shall be chosen by my aforementioned executor.
I declare that
I am married, according to the rites of Our Holy Mother Church, to Asensio
Archuleta, from which marriage we had and reared three children, one girl and
two boys, who are Christobal, Juana Josefa, and Nicolas Marcos Archuleta, whom
I leave as heirs with my husband.
I declare that
if God shall take me from this life, I leave my burial and funeral arrangements
to the disposal of my executor.
First, I declare as my goods, four tame oxen
and two bull oxen.
I declare that
I have bought form Luis de Archuleta, one piece of land, for the price and
amount of thirty-five pesos, which was the just price of the said land, and the
said Luis de Archuleta was satisfied, and the aforesaid still has the
obligation of making me the deed, paying the court fees. In length it contains
two hundred eighteen varas, and in width it extends to the Acequia Madre (main
another piece of land which fell to the lot of my husband by inheritance with a
part of the house which, because it has not been divided among his brothers,
will not be clearly known, until the court shall have divided it. I do declare
that I have built a ten vara room on said land, whose walls and roof only, I
call mine.
I leave one coa (a sharp stick or instrument used
for ploughing) and two old hoes, besides another small coa; a small ; and adze, and a chisel; one spit; one spoon; one
auger; one old copper kettle; and I also declare I leave three plow points. The
copper kettle is the one which my husband was looking for; one old soup
cauldron; one old trading knife, besides three sickles.
Three chests
with their locks, two small ones and one large old one; and one tool to make
grooves; one guitar; two windows; one chair, and one small trough.
I leave a new
serge skirt, and an old one; one pair of petticoats; four varas of lace, medium
fine, and some other varas of the same, made of “pita” thread (a kind of thread
made from the century plant); two short cloaks, the one with lining, the other
without; one new, half-silk handkerchief; one pair of men’s shoes; two “patios”
(possible two pair of men’s work shoes); four varas of ribbon; one necklace of
inferior corals and silver disks, mixed; some blue enamel bracelets; some
earrings of fine pearls, with “beruecos” (possible pendants) all heavy; four
strands of red silk besides two skeins of pale yellow silk; some new wool
stockings, and some new cotton socks, two pair of knitting needles; three mugs,
two fine and one ordinary; four small gourds; one piece of old fringe; one
Alcorzar pitcher, with the mouth broken; some white cloth to use as a strainer;
some small table-cloths, and one napkin; one sash from Sonora, two and one half
varas in length; one new Indian basket.
images of Saints, all small; and one bronze crucifix.
One mattress,
with two sheets, and thirteen varas of sack-cloth. One horse, broken to the
rein; one cart, equipped. I bought the wheels.
I declare that
I have 110 head of sheep, for which I traded some cattle which I acquired by
inheritance from my father, with eight goats which my husband bought as his
part; and form these they have multiplied. Four cow-hides.
I declare that
I have thirteen hens and two roosters, and seven strings of chili; one old
bouquet; one old Book of Saint Anthony.
I owe three
pesos and 4 reales. I owe the three pesos to Antonia Truijillo. I owe Juan
Manuel one sheep.
I declare that
they owe me ten head of sheep, which are included in the one hundred and ten
mentioned above. Geronimo, the Indian,
who belonged to the deceased Antonio Martin, owes two goats; the cacique owes one sheep and one goat.
Juan, who belongs to Marcos Martin, owes one goat. Madalena, the Indian woman,
one goat. Eusebio Duran, on ram; Francisca, the Indian woman, owes me a Mass;
Miguel Trujillo, one sheep; Juan Lobato owes one sheep. He owes it as
administrator of the estate of Antonio Martin, because the said deceased owed
me a three-year old bull which Juan Esteban owes him. Francisca de Herrera owes
one peso; besides five pesos which Pedro Sisneros owes; Maria Josefa Lopes, one
peso; and two rams which Miguel Trujillo owes.
Since I have
heirs and an executor, and have declared all of my goods and securities, I
requested the Captain, Ylario Archuleta, Lieutenant Alcalde Mayor and Captain
of War of this said Villa Nueva de Santa Cruz and its jurisdiction to interpose
his judicial sanction that this, my last will and testament be kept and
My assisting
witnesses whom I, said Lieutenant, appointed, were Francisco Baldes and Captain
Miguel Martin. The testatrix did not sign because she did not know how.
Done on the
twelfth day of May, of the year one thousand, seven hundred and forty-nine, one
the present paper because the sealed is not obtainable in this vicinity. “Ut
Before me, to
which I attest.
Ylario Archuleta (rubric)
Witness: Francisco Baldes (rubric)
Witness: Miguel Martin Serrano (rubric)
Reference: Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I,
Twitchell 968, Reel 5, Frames 717-720.
©Henrietta M. Christmas
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