Monday, April 21, 2014

Jose Reano ~ Will 1743

I don Jose de Reano Tagle, native of the Kingdom of Castile, archbishopric of Burgos Mountains of Santander in the Town of Santillan, legitimate son of don Jacinto de Reano and Doña Teresa de Tagle Bustamante, being sick in bed and make this my final testament.

I married Maria Roybal, daughter of don Ygnacio Roybal and Doña Francisco Gomes Robledo; we have been married for 15 years.  We had one son named, Jose, my son and only heir.

I declare a house at El Alamo, which is my residence, with its lands and boundaries as mentioned by the instruments in m possession, much more improved than when I purchased it.

I Declare another house in Santa Fe on San Francisco Street, sold to me by doña Maria Francisca Fernandes de la Pedrera, with the tract of land of El Alamo, as appears by said instruments.

I declare household goods of:  picture frames, candlesticks, dishes, cups, looking glass, spoon and what may be found of necessary use.

I also declare as my property, 4,312 pesos and 6 reales in gold due my by Don Jose de la Barreda from Chihuahua,

Own a mulato slave named Pedro, who appears in my possession as executed in Mexico in my favor.

I declare 100 pesos in gold or silver due my by Felipe Romero, the elder.

I declare 183 pesos and 5 reales in gold or silver due my by Juan Jose Lovato as it appears in the note.

Executors are his wife, brother Santiago Roybal and brother-in-law, Jose Moreno; signed April 15 1743, Jose Reano (rubric).  Witnesses:  Manuel Saenz de Garvisu, rubric; Bernardo Bustamante, rubric.

April 22, 1743, certification of the power of attorney given to his wife, don Santiago Roybal and Juan Jose Moreno.

Also declaring as his property 480 pesos and one real in possession of his wife.

Declare for his property the herds, which may be declared by Antonio de Sandoval, the foreman.  Also declare for his property the wethers which may be declared by the said foreman.  Also declare all the goats as declared by the foreman.  Also declare for his property, all of the cattle marked with his brand with their calves, steers and bulls which may be found on the ranch.  Fifty horses and colds which may be found in the stock of this garrison. 

Also declare for his property seventy pack saddles and unbroken mules more or less with his brand.  All the mares, young and stallions with his mark.  All the assess which may be found and delivered by the foreman.  One stud jack. 

Also declare as his property all the goods and merchandise of Castile, China and from this land which may be found in the boxes and is set apart, the portion belonging to his wife for her expenses.

Declare as his property all the agricultural implements which may be found as dibbles, pickaxes and the rest.

I also declare 90 fanegas of piñon, more or less.

Also declare 300 buckskins of all kinds; also declare, dressed buffalo hides.  Navajo baskets, Mexican packsaddles, bundles of carpet, cattle and small bells. 

A debt due by Jose Orcasitas of 157 pesos in silver the note in possession of don Joaquin Sanches y Tagle, to whom it was sent by don Bernardo Bustamante to be collected from the said Orcasitas.

Declare a grant of land at the place of Piedra Lumbre as it appears in the grant.

Also declare as his property a complete ambulance.

I also declare for his property a pack-saddle, broken, mule due by don Felipe Romero as appears in the note.

A three year old bull owed by Javier Rodriguez.

Fifty pesos in cash owed by Geronimo Martin, as by note, which he agreed to give the year of “forty” 200 lambs with the assurance of herding them at his expense until the year forty-three.

100 pesos in pelts and one unbroken mule by don Juan Garcia de la Mora, by note.

A horse saddle, complete and the firearms which he may have left.

As signed by the deceased, forced dotal legacy to Lugarda Lujan – ten cows, which are adjudicated from today on with their increases and to be marked with the mark of the deceased and mark to be made for the said Lugarda with the understanding that the same will remain in the stock under the same risk as the principal and what may be in existence when she may be emancipated, a letter of dower will be made and the property delivered to her.

As signed by the deceased, forced dotal legacy to Ana Maria Montoya, five young cows which are adjudicated to her with the increase which they may have and will be marked with the deceased’s mark and remain as stated in the above clause.

Also according to the last will of e deceased, was communicated to his executors a bequest to Luis Reano of 400 pesos in the kind of property which there may be, when he may get married and will remain at home as a son.  If he should die before he married, the said property to return it to the principal paying his funeral out of it and if he marries and the property diminished this legacy must be understood to the best discretion and judgment of the said executors.

Also as communicated to the executors that it should be adjudicated to Antonio Sandoval for himself and his children and heirs as a juridical gift a portion of the land at the place of Las Golondrinas and to build him a house with the servants and help him with the oxen and servants to carry the joists and other timber; with the understanding that the doors, windows and locks have to be placed by the said Sandoval.  This gift and donation  is made in consideration of the good services which he has rendered in taking care of his property and should the said Sandoval not want or like the said land, an appraisal will be done and the value given to him.

Also declare that 36 pesos owed by the mulatto, Estabanillo Gonzales in goods appears by his account.  Declare 146 pesos and four reales by Juan Manuel Padilla in goods appear. 

Also as communicated, that 6,000 pesos in gold or silver or any other property as patrimony be given for his son, Jose, which will be dedicated to his studies, his maintenance and clothing to be paid out of the interest of the 6,000 pesos and if he should take Holy Orders, he will enjoy the said amount as his patrimony, not understood as a chaplain-ship.

Signed Antonio Ulibarri, April 25, 1743 at Santa Fe.

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell 963, 964, Reel 5, Frames 645-662, 663-702.
©Henrietta M. Christmas

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