I, Juana Maria Ribera, legitimate daughter of don Baltasar Ribera and doña Maria Antonia Oritz and who was married to the deceased don Antonio Jose Montoya, orders her final will. She was married to Antonio Jose Montoya for about 30 years more or less, and from that marriage they did not have any children.
She mentions that she did bring a dowry into her marriage that she received from her parents. She also adamantly states that her husband did not make a will when he died and lands were not titled over to her properly.
To her brothers, Jose Francisco Ortiz, who paid for my husbands burial, I do recognize that. The house in which I live, a room and two porches, a corral and a fenced area with a coach house as part of her property. All the furnishings of her house, saints, retablos, be given to Antonio and Jesus Maria. She declares a mattress, a cover be given to Maria Trinidad Sena, three chests, roasting pits and other items be given to Filomena and her two small daughters for having raised them.
The house where I live, be given as follows: One half to Filomena with land and the other half I leave to my hijitas chiquitas (small girls) and under the tutelage of don Vicente Sena, until they become of age. Some lands and a mill at Pojoaque, but doesn't state who gets them.
She owes Manuel Chavez, Ramon Quintana, Juana Sandoval monies and they should all be paid. Juana Maria names as her executors don Domingo Fernandez and don Jose Francisco Sena. Witnesses were, Juan Miguel Ortega, Vicente Lopez, J. Anastacio Borrego and Antonio Ortiz, and she does sign her name.
Reference: Santa Fe County Probate & Will Book "D", pgs. 106-109. Cathedral Basilica in Santa Fe, courtesy of H. M. Christmas.
Again, Henrietta, as I've taken lots of time perusing your wonderfully shared research, I find Juana Maria Ribera, daughter of Baltazar Ribera and Ma.Antonia Ortiz. The RIBERA clan is in my ancestral database, and I am grateful to you for sharing your research. I didn't have this this will in my records.