Friday, October 25, 2013

Lorenso de Madrid ~ Will 1715

I, Maese de Campo, Lorenso de Madrid, resident of this villa of Santa Fe, am ill and make my final will and testament.

I wish to be interred in the Chapel of Nuestra Señora de Rosario, La Conquistadora.

I declare that I owe four pesos to Bruno, a Mexican driver, who came with a memorandum for General don Francisco Cueva, I order this paid.

I declare that Miguel de Sandoval Martines owes me 15 pesos for a mule I sold him, I order it collected.  Likewise, Capatin, Xptoval de Serna, owes me an iron griddle and spoon, all for 12 pesos, I order this paid. Said Serna owes me an overcoat lined with flannel, three pairs of buckskin shoes at the rate of two pesos, 12 sheep which I loaned him on different occasions when he went to El Paso, in the care of my compadre, Alonso, the Piro Indian.  I also loaned him a young steer for a cow and he had not returned it to me.  I all the rest I order collected.

I declare that I was married and veiled to my first marriage to doña Antonia Ortiz, and we had as my legitimate sons:  Nicolas, Jose, Xacinto, Francisco, Tomas and Simon Madrid.

I declare that I was married a second time to doña Ana Almazan, we had no children.

I declare that I was married a third time to Juana Dominges, we had no children.

I declare I leave a mule and two horses for my funeral, if the soldiers do not inter me through charity as they have promised me; if they do it, the mule and one horse I leave to my wife and the other horse I leave for the offering of Masses.

I declare as my property this house and the lands it has in front which belong to it; which house and lands I obtained as a grant in my favor from the King.  It is my will to leave this to my wife, Juana Dominges.

I declare that all there is from the door within, it is my will to leave to her.

I declare that I leave as my administrator, my wife and (step)son Juan Luxan.

With witnesses, Captain Francisco Lorenso de Casados, the teacher, Juan de Medina and Gregorio Garduño.  Assisting were Juan Manuel Chirinos and Antonio Duran de Armijo.  Executed on this 18th day of July 1715, signed Lorenso Madrid, rubric.

Juan Garcia de la Rivas, rubric; Juan Manuel Chirinos and Antonio Duran de Armijo, assisting witnesses.

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell #502, Reel 3, Frames 694-699
©Henrietta M. Christmas

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