Thursday, October 31, 2013

Salvador Montoya ~ 1727 Will

Salvador Montoia, resident of this villa of Santa Fe, legitimate son of Diego Montoia (deceased) and Josepha de Ynojos, Spaniards, natives of this kingdom of New Mexico, being ill in bed of an illness…

I declare that I was married according to the rites of Our Holy Mother, the Catholic Church to doña Manuela Garcia de la Rivas, during our marriage we have had and procreated three male children and two daughters; who are:  Joseph Francisco, Miguel Joseph, Manuel Antonio, Francisca and Josepha Montoia.

I declared that when I married her parents gave my wife as a dower, one tract of land called El Torreon, which is situated at the Rio del Norte below Bernalillo.  They also gave me 100 breeding ewes and some things belonging to the household furniture.

I declare that some parcels of land situated in this villa on the other side of the river were granted and donated by doña Micaela de Belasco, the mother of my wife, to Juan Garcia de la Rivas, her legitimate son, to General Juan Paez Hurtado and to me, said grantor, because we were married to daughters of said Micaela de Belasques.

I declare that I have a share in the said tract of Santiago, by inheritance from my deceased father, which will be divided among the 8 brothers which we were.

It is my will that if God should be pleased to take me from this life, my body be shrouded with the habit of my father, St. Francis and be buried in the church of this villa of Santa Fe.

I declare as my said estate one house which is situated on the royal street of San Francisco in front of one built by general don Feliz Martinez and one parcel of land which is situated on the other side of the river.  Bounded by various mentions, one was sold to me by my cousin, Andres Montoia.

I declare that I have a ranch of land at El Rio de Tesuque which I brought from Pedro Montes Vigil, a resident of La Cañada.

I have 12 mules, 11 broken to rein, and the big one not broken to the rein; with eight pack saddles, six new and two old, with harnesses.

I declare that I have 9 horses, 7 broken to the reins and two unbroken.

I declare that I have 55 tanned buckskins, four white buffalo skins and three thick buffalo skins.

I declare that I have three oxen and one iron plowshare in the possession of Juan Garcia de Noriega, the cripple, a resident of this villa.

I declare that various residents of his kingdom owe me as is on record in two memorandum books where their names are set down and they are in possession of my wife.

I declare that Pedro de Chavez, my brother-in-law owes me 36 pesos of silver which he still owed me on account of the tract of Pajarito which I sold to him.

I owe Baltasar Romero, my compadre and brother-in-law one cow with calf, one heifer of this year, one bull and one coat of fine cloth already used.

Notes his brother Antonio, his sister Ysabel.  His executors are his brother Antonio and Francisco Guerrero his compadre.   Signed Salvador Montoia (rubric)

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell #512, Reel 3, Frames 733-741
©Henrietta M. Christmas 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Lorenso de Madrid ~ Will 1715

I, Maese de Campo, Lorenso de Madrid, resident of this villa of Santa Fe, am ill and make my final will and testament.

I wish to be interred in the Chapel of Nuestra Señora de Rosario, La Conquistadora.

I declare that I owe four pesos to Bruno, a Mexican driver, who came with a memorandum for General don Francisco Cueva, I order this paid.

I declare that Miguel de Sandoval Martines owes me 15 pesos for a mule I sold him, I order it collected.  Likewise, Capatin, Xptoval de Serna, owes me an iron griddle and spoon, all for 12 pesos, I order this paid. Said Serna owes me an overcoat lined with flannel, three pairs of buckskin shoes at the rate of two pesos, 12 sheep which I loaned him on different occasions when he went to El Paso, in the care of my compadre, Alonso, the Piro Indian.  I also loaned him a young steer for a cow and he had not returned it to me.  I all the rest I order collected.

I declare that I was married and veiled to my first marriage to doña Antonia Ortiz, and we had as my legitimate sons:  Nicolas, Jose, Xacinto, Francisco, Tomas and Simon Madrid.

I declare that I was married a second time to doña Ana Almazan, we had no children.

I declare that I was married a third time to Juana Dominges, we had no children.

I declare I leave a mule and two horses for my funeral, if the soldiers do not inter me through charity as they have promised me; if they do it, the mule and one horse I leave to my wife and the other horse I leave for the offering of Masses.

I declare as my property this house and the lands it has in front which belong to it; which house and lands I obtained as a grant in my favor from the King.  It is my will to leave this to my wife, Juana Dominges.

I declare that all there is from the door within, it is my will to leave to her.

I declare that I leave as my administrator, my wife and (step)son Juan Luxan.

With witnesses, Captain Francisco Lorenso de Casados, the teacher, Juan de Medina and Gregorio Garduño.  Assisting were Juan Manuel Chirinos and Antonio Duran de Armijo.  Executed on this 18th day of July 1715, signed Lorenso Madrid, rubric.

Juan Garcia de la Rivas, rubric; Juan Manuel Chirinos and Antonio Duran de Armijo, assisting witnesses.

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell #502, Reel 3, Frames 694-699
©Henrietta M. Christmas

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Francisco Montes Vigil, inheritance of cattle to his children ~ 1715

Know ye all who may see this deed, that Francisco Montes Vigil and Maria Ximenez de Anziso his legitimate wife, residents of this villa of Santa Fe, from whom I request permission; so that hereby I might be able to make this deed of donation for which purpose, I, the said Francisco Montes Vigil, do grant said permission in due form and bind myself.

We declare that we have in our possession forty head of cattle, among them are a few oxen and calves, which were given to me, we hereby state that we make gift and donation to Maria Vigil, wife of Domingo Romero, Jetrudis, Elena, Domingo, Francisco and Manuel Vigil, who are our legitimate children from a legitimate marriage.

It is our will that the part to which our said daughter Maria Vigil is entitled, we give to her son Antonio Romero, our grandson. 

November 27, 1715, signed Alphonso Rael de Aguilar (rubric)

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell 499, Reel 3, Frames 676-679
©Henrietta M. Christmas

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Francisca de Misquia ~ Will 1714

In the villa of Santa Fe, on the 19th day of April 1714, I, doña Francisca de Misquia, the legitimate wife of Sargento Mayor Juan de Urribarri (Ulibarri) who is absent, am ill in bed.  I ask that the Captain don Francisco Jose Bueno de Bohorquez, Alcalde Mayor of this said villa in the form and manner as follows, do make this statement before him.

I ask that I be buried in the parish church of this villa. I ask that fifty masses be said for the souls of my parents and husband.

I was married to don Bernardo de Chaves and during that time we had and raised Joseph de Chaves and Luisa Manuela de Chaves, and Juan de Chaves, our legitimate children.

I declare that I was married a second time to Sargento Mayor Juan de Urribari and during this time we had no children.

I declare that at Rio del Norte at the Hacienda de Atrisco, the three children have a place of farm land and an apple tree with a plum orchard which belongs to the said children.

I declare two jewel cases, one made of wood and the other of grass, lined, half of linen, worn out and that of century plant fiber - I leave it to my daughter Luisa.

I declare a foot cover of green satin and a black jewel case made of camel grass - I leave it to Valentina Urribari.

I declare a foot cover of red satin lined in fine Dutch linen of buff color and a red handkerchief and a cloak with fringe and a black cloth with a small cape with white and black fringe, trimmed with silver braid - this I leave to my daughter Luisa.

I declare some coral bracelets which I leave to my daughter Luisa.  Besides I leave to the daughter some red silk stockings and a powder box of a unicorn with silver trim, with an old ring with three stones and three silver rings.

In the same manner I leave to my daughter, Luisa, a little chest of tortoise shell eight inches long.

I declare that three shirts of English linen; the striped one for Valentina and the blue one for my daughter, Luisa, and the others for alms in behalf of my soul. 

I leave for my daughter, Luisa, a skirt of scarlet red cloth and a petticoat, worn out.

I order to pay for my funeral and Masses, I leave a new foot cover of green serge, a blue kerchief with red and white flowers and fringe of yellow ribbon, and died yellow leaf, and a powder box of golden silver with bolt and key, and a tobacco chest burnished with iron.

I leave two silver spoons to my daughter.  

To pay for the funeral and alms for the Masses, a large copper kettle.  Besides a small copper pot, a copper jar, two copper candle sticks and a spit iron.

I leave to my daughter, Luisa, a trunk lined in black leather, besides a new ticking mattress with two woolen sheets and a blanket from Castilla, a pillow slip of buff color.

To pay for my funeral, I also leave a basket from Michoacan.  

I leave my daughter a pan made of iron and an iron apron.

To pay the funeral, I leave a metate with its pestle.

To pay for my funeral, I leave a mortar and pestle and a syringe.

I leave my daughter a looking glass.

I declare to have pawned a reliquary with the wife of Pasqual Truxillo, for two pesos, on it being paid, I leave it to my daughter.

I declare that Panchelo, from Nambe, owes me four buffalo skins, four white elk chamois and four buckskins. 

As part of my estate:  one dark horse, a note of one-hundred pesos, from which amount I have drawn, and the balance of it is to what I refer.

I declare to owe Captain Ygnacio Roybal the amount of pesos stated in his book of accounts.  I order it paid from the balance of the note and if the balance is not sufficient to pay for it, my husband will pay the rest. 

I declare to owe the Third Order twelve pesos for the enrollment, which will be aid by my husband. 

I declare to owe Baltasar Trujillo six pesos which my husband will pay for.  I owe the teacher Antonio Duran, twelve pesos for the tuition of my children which my husband will have to pay.

As my estate, two and a half fanegas of wheat, planted o the lands of Captain Diego de Quiros and I own for the work the oxen did on the planting, to Salvador de Archuleta, I order to have it paid from the sale of the said wheat.

I owe Antonio Sedano two pesos which my husband will pay for.

I declare to owe Antonio Baca six pesos, which my husband will pay.

I loaned to Diego Antonio a crucifix, which belongs to my son, Juanico, to whom his father left for him.  I order to have it recovered and deliver to my son and I order the guardian to do so when it pleases him.

I appoint as my executor, Captain Juan Garcia de las Rivas, High Sheriff of the Inquisition, whom I name as guardian of my minor children and holder of goods, particularly those belonging to my daughter, Luisa, which he must keep until needed.  I am leaving the children in care of their aunt, doña Luisa Gomez Robledo, and should keep them until the arrival of their uncle, Domingo Misquia, to whom I leave my two sons.  The little girl I leave to my mother, doña Maria Luzero, her grandmother.

She did not sign as she didn't know how, at her request, Captain Miguel de Sandoval Martinez did sign.  don Francisco Joseph Bueno de Bohorques, rubric; at the request of the grantor, Miguel de Sandoval Martines, rubric; Assisting witnesses;  Ju Manuel Chirinos, rubric and Ju Paez Hurtado, rubric.

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell #495, Reel 3, Frames 659-665
©Henrietta M. Christmas

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Clemente Montoya ~ Will 1753

I, Clemente Montolla, a native of this kingdom of New Mexico, am ill in bed and make my final testament. 

I was married to Josepha Lujan from which marriage we had and reared nine children who are:  Francisca, Antonia, Manuel, Teodora, Luisa, Salvador, Manuela, Barvera, Maria and of these five are dead and the rest are of age.

I also declare that I was married a second time to Maria Vaca, from which marriage we had and reared eight children who are:  Lorenzo, Mariana, Jose, Santiago, Juan Domingo, Maria Louisa, Pedro Antonio and Antonia, and of these two are dead; whom I declare as my heirs with my aforesaid wife.

I declare that I own a house which is composed of three rooms and a portal and a piece of land as evidence of a grant. I order my executors to divide my rights, which is the half which is my shares and divide them in equal parts among my heirs.

I declare that during my first marriage we had enjoyed a piece of land which is in the locality of San Buenaventura de Chimayo and this belongs to my children of the first marriage.  I order that they shall divide the land into equal parts.  I had to sell the shell of the house and patio which I had in order to be able to support myself.

I declare four colts and leave them to my wife.  I declare that Antonio Sandoval owes me sixteen pesos and I order that they be collected.  I declare that ___ owes me one peso, I order it collected.  I declare that Miguel Romero owes me buffalo skin, I order it collected.  I declare that Jose Cordova owes me four reales, I order it collected.  I declare that Juan, the Tequn Ute Indian, owes me one peso for twenty logs which he ordered put for the price of two pesos; he owes me one, I order it collected.  I declare that Andres Arguello owes me two pesos, I order that they be collected.  

I declare that I owe twelve reales to __, I order it paid. 

I leave my wife, Maria Vaca, and Juan Jose Sandoval as my executors and guardians of my property.  I did not sign as I do not know how.  Salvador Varela signed it by request on the 3rd day fo September 1753 at San Antonio.

Assisting witness:  Salvador Varela, rubric
Ju Jph Sandoval, receiving judge. 

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell #494, Reel 3, Frame 655-658
©Henrietta M. Christmas

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Maria Francisca Lobato ~ Will 1830 Santa Fe

Be it known that I,Maria Francisco Lobato, resident of the city of Santa Fe, and seriously ill of an accident, I order this my testament in the following form.

I declare that I was married according to our church to José Duran, deceased for 30 years, from which marriage we had and procreated four children: Vicente, Juana Maria, Maria Ygnacia and Francisco Eulogio, the last of whom died childless. I acknowledge the three aforementioned as my legitimate children.

I declare that when I married my said husband, he did not bring anything to the marriage.

I declare as my property the house where I live which consists of three rooms in good condition in which is on agricultural land that lies in front of my house, verified by documents in my possession.

I declare as my property one burro, 1 ½ yoke of oxen, one ax, one adze, one loom without comb and heddle, one lathe with full equipment and one chisel.

I declare as my property one fire lock gun with this corresponding elk skin case and one box with iron locks.

I declare that the land that I have mentioned is formed on shares by José Francisco Griego and he will have to give me one half of the wheat and corn and straw and cornstalks, according to custom.

I declare that Juan José Lujan owes me one peso in cash, two bundles of tobacco, and one case of two razors.

I declare that Francisco Chavez owes me one fat ewe; I order that the aforementioned be collected from the true debtors.

I declare that I owe Mariana Chavez 12 reales; I order that the same be paid.

I declare that I owe Nicolas Paez, three reales for soap; I order that the same be paid.

I declare that I owe to Pablo Nieto ten reales; I order that the same be paid.

I declare that I do not know anything to any other person and no one owes me.

I declare that after paying for my funeral, mandates and debts from everything contained as I have stated, if anything is left it shall be divided among my three children, so they may enjoy the same.

It is my will that as executors of this my last will I appoint as my executors interest, first, my son Vicente Duran, and second my daughter, Juana Duran, to dispose of my property if I have ordered.

She did not sign because she did not know how, I signed it with the assisting witnesses with whom I acted for lack of a notary, and there being none according to law, to which I certify.

Jose Ygnacio Ortiz, (rubric), Vitorino Padilla (rubric) and Bentura Montoya (rubric).

Court fees, three pesos.

Testament made in the home of Francisca Lobato, on October 8, 1830.

Ortiz (rubric)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Soldier, Jose Lucero ~ Will 1827 Santa Fe

Let it be known by this public testamentary document, my last and final will that I, Juan Lucero, retired soldier of this company of Santa Fe am ill in bed and I order this my testament in the following manner.

I order my funeral to be military, in accordance with ordinances.

I declare that I was married according to the rights of our holy church to Maria Petra Baca, for 38 years, in which matrimony we had and raised one son was named Ignacio, whom I acknowledge as my legitimate son heir and successors. 

I declare as my property one house, which is my home, in El Bado de Pecos, with its furniture which belongs to my wife.

I declare to have two ranches which consist of 400 varas, one in the plaza of San Jose del Bado and the other in La Cuesta. 

I declare and it is my wish that from the upper house that it be divided amongst the three ranches known as Ranchos de los Ynditos.

I declare as my property 13 mules, 10 horses, 40 pesos in money, and 500 breeding ewes.

I declare as my property 300 serapes, about 650 varas of course cloak, 24 Buffalo hides, 12 bedspreads, and nine white buckskin.

I declare that when I married my wife she brought to my possession 28 varas of land in her paternal home and 50 in Los Palacios which I order be restored to her from my ranches.

I declare that I have 60 pesos in money at interest from Miguel Flores, which is at my house, which I took the third day of the present month, besides 50 ewes from said Miguel Flores, for five years, which I received in the year 1822.

In the year 1823 I took from the same Flores, 34 ewes which I order shall be delivered.

I declare that various individuals owe me what is evident in the list in my possession; I order they be collected.

I declare not to owe any person, but if any justified it appears, I order it paid.

I declare that after the payment of my funeral testamentary bequests and debts, the residue be apportioned equally between my wife and son, that they may enjoy it with God’s blessing and my own.

I name as executors jointly and severally, my wife and second my son and third don Santiago Ruibali.

I testify that the grantor is in his entire insane mind and that he did not sign it as he did not know how, I, said Alcalde, signed with those who assisted me with and whom I act, for want of a national notary, not found in this territory.

Executed on 17 August 1827, which I certify; by the said Jose Maria Martinez, witness Domingo Fernandes, and Jose Viterbo Ortiz (rubrics)

** Received fees of six pesos in silver.

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell #470, Reel #3, Frames 489-491
©Henrietta M. Christmas

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Antonio de Luna ~ Value of Estate 1784 final

Valuation to heirs: 

Santa Fe on September 2, 1784.  In consequence of what was provided in my foregoing decree on the back of leaf 20 and by virtue of the present one of which he shall inform doña Pino and don Miguel Lucero, the Guardian mentioned in these proceedings, the Alcalde Mayor of the said villa shall proceed to carry out partition and division of the property which is inventoried and appraised on both sides of the third and fourth sheet, which should be augmented with the right to collect 118 ewes which are mentioned on the fifth leaf, the 50 varas of land mentioned on the back of the 20th leaf, as well as the value of the leather jacket and the chest which is justly demanded on the sixth, passing in a quittance as extent 60 ewes, the shotgun and the lance, and also as perishable the adze, hoes and the chisel. Likewise there shall be added to the estate proper that all which was exceeded and corresponds to the requisition amount for the funeral, because their owner did not request it, as well as what was spent for the blessed souls in purgatory in the mandatory legacy which is not certified by the corresponding receipts..  Juan Bautista de Anza (rubric)

Total sum of inventory, 5,607
Total of what was added, 845
Total, 4,452
Amount of the burial according to regulation 33
Receipts for Masses, 140, Shroud, 25, subtotal 198, new total, 4,254

Amount of the patrimonial property belonging to the minors:  2,165
Subject to partition, 2,089
Court fees, 16
Total balance subject to partition, 2,073

According to the accounting, each of the parties is entitled to 1,036 pesos and four reales, the amount carried forward, 2,073.

Schedule of doña Maria Catarina Pino
For the cost of the funeral and Masses for which no receipts are shown, 321 pesos.
Her dwelling house in the villa, 300
Debts, 118
One hundred sheep, 200
45 ½ pesos in lambs
Two oxen at 50, subtotal is 1,034p 4 r
Eight pesos for fees are deducted, 1,026 p 4 r.

Schedule of minors:
205 ewes, 410 pesos
Cattle of all ages, 128 pesos
Four oxen, 100 pesos
Pictures and Holy Child, 40
Kettle and griddle, 14
Mortar and spit, 8
Blunderbusses and benches, 27
Branding iron, 12
One plow, 4
One leather jacket and one chest, 40
Lambs, 1531/2,  153 p 4 r.
Debts at 118
Subtotal 1,054 p 4 r
Eight pesos for fees are deducted, new total of 1,046 p 4 r.

Note that the 20 pesos which appear extra in the schedule of the minors  are the 10 from half of household expense, and the other 10 which their mother had already received; add that to the schedule of the minors, which consists of 1046 pesos and 4 reales.
There are added in property subject to partition 2,165 pesos of patrimonial property, for a total of 3,211 pesos 4 reales.

These proceedings have been finished in the form in which the same appear, I transmit all the proceedings to your Excellency for that in view of the same you may determine what may be expedient. Signed Antonio José Ortiz (rubric)

At Santa Fe on September 4, 1784. Having seen the account of the division of the estate which remained at the end and death of Antonio Luna, intestate, I should and do approve the said account in the division and partition of the said property made in the presence of the interested parties. For the purpose and hereafter will be set forth, they will be informed of this, and because the mother of the minors who have been mentioned before cannot be their guardian because she has married a second time and it is time and necessary to appoint one for them judiciously, I shall proceed to do so by appointing the one who has been their guardian, Miguel Lucero, whose appointment, after had it has been accepted, must be sworn to, and the appointment shall be made by the governor of this province of New Mexico, provided and ordered before the undersigned assisting witnesses to which I certify.  Juan Baptista de Anza (rubric)

On September 6, 1784, Miguel Lucero has accepted the guardianship and notified doña Maria Catarina Pino of such.   Signed Antonio Jose Ortiz, Alcalde Mayor

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell #462, Reel #3, Frames 387-430.
©Henrietta M. Christmas

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Antonio de Luna ~ Estate Division 1784 con't

Division of property: 

I, doña Maria Catarina Pino answering the mandate in the charges made against me by the Guardian regarding the property which she notices missing in the inventories: will that I sold the leather jacket used by my have been in order to close his children and mine.  Regarding the chest, it is in existence. Regarding the adze and chisel, the adze was lost, the chisel is in existence.  Regarding the 60 ewes which he demands in which he says were taken by my husband, don Anacleto Miera, they were for the help and purchase of the house in which I live and will appear in inventories.   With regard to what he says about the shotgun in the land, the gun was given for one small house which is in the town which takes in the tract of land. Regarding the lance, it was given for one small house lot which belonged to another individual who left town.  Regarding the two hoes, the same were worn out and cultivation of the land. Regarding what he says are the missing 50 varas of land in the locality of Tome belonging to my deceased husband, I ask them to deliver the same to me and show me the same, as he was the executor for his father, so that at all times my children may have the right to said 50 varas of land; but to this present time I have been ignorant of such a thing. Regarding the deeds and other instruments pertaining to the ranch which I possess, the principal one to said ranch do not exist. I likewise ask your Excellency to be pleased order don José Castillo and don Joaquin, his brother, sons of the deceased don Miguel Alvarez, to execute the deed of sale to the said ranch for me. Regarding the masses for which I have paid, first to the Rev. Father Fray Cayetano José Bernal there are 70, notwithstanding that I have exhibited enclosed receipt from the said priest which shows 60. I also had two other receipts for masses. I also have paid the Priest for 21 masses, the receipt for which will be delivered by said Father. I have also paid my brother, José Francisco Pino, for 20 masses with a horse which I have delivered to him, the receipt for which shall be collected from the priest to whom my said brother should have paid for the same.  I also have paid to the deceased Antonio Chavez one ox for the shroud which same his sons will declare, as I had also paid 40 ewes to the Father Narro for his burial and one novena of masses for which I have no receipt.  I have also paid Juan Vallejo’s for 12 masses, the receipts for which can be obtained from the said priest who may have applied them. I have also delivered the alms for two masses to don Francisco Lovera, the receipt for which will be delivered. I have delivered the alms for three masses to Miguel Gabaldon, the receipts the same will be shown.  I swear in due form signed, Maria Catarina Pino.

At Santa Fe on July 30, 1784.

In regard to the documents which are enclosed in order to answer the plea which she makes in consequence of the charges made by the Guardian of the minor children of the deceased Luna, when a copy be referred to said Guardian by the Alcalde Mayor of Albuquerque, so that according to his knowledge within the term of three days he may, for the last time individually, ask for what may pertain to the rights and titles of the minors whom he defends. If he states he is satisfied with the said pleas whereupon he will proceed to quit in conformity with what is asked by the said doña Pino, the matter of the 50 varas of land cited in the Pueblo of Tome, so that if they have not been alienated by the legitimate owner, the same should be added to her estate. Signed Juan Bautista de Anza (rubric)

I, Miguel Lucero, Guardian of the minors of the deceased Luna, answering what has been ordered by this  Alcalde Mayor, state that in due time I will show the 50 varas of land which I state our in Tome. With regard to what I have asked, I am not satisfied. She says that she sold the leather jacket for the support of the minors; there was enough produce on the farm to support them. As to the masses and burial which she says she has paid for, I would like to have you order that I, on my part, ask for the burial at the fixed-rate and one or two novenas of masses. The other chattels I ask for our two hoes, one shotgun, one adze, one lance and the 60 ewes which the minors need, as well as the great quantities which is been lost since her father died up to the present time.  At the request of and for Miguel Lucero, signed Juan Bautista Montano (rubric)

Moreover, regarding the 50 varas of land which I claim at the place of Tome in which belongs to my client, the heirs of the deceased Luna, I state, that I wish Your Honor would take the deposition of Diego Antonio Abeyta, a resident of said place of Tome, as he is the one who has been planting the same for some years. Because I do not know how to sign I requested don Antonio Ruiz to sign for me at the request of Miguel Lucero.

At Ysleta, on the 11th day of the month of August 1784 before me the Alcalde Mayor and the two witnesses whom I appointed who are don Antonio Villegas Ruiz, and Francisco Esteban Mora, the guardian, don Miguel Lucero, presented Diego Antonio Beitia, a resident of Tome, whom promised to tell the truth.  And being asked, regarding a piece of land belonging to another which he cultivates at the end of said place of Tome, how many varas that it contains and to whom the same belongs, he said that there are 50 varas and that they belong to the deceased Antonio Luna who for a long time before he was killed and loaned the same to him so that he could plant them as long as he wished, and that he had also tried to purchase the same in the said deceased had agreed to sell them to him, but as he was killed the matter remained thus and he has continued to cultivate the same up to the present time.  He did not sign as he did not know how, Manuel Arteaga (rubric)

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell #462, Reel #3, Frames 387-430.
©Henrietta M. Christmas