Monday, April 29, 2013

Matais Martin ~ 1704 Will

I, Matias Martin am ill in bed that Our Lord has seen fit to send me; I execute my testament, naming my father Domingo Martin as my administrator and holder of my chattels, leaving my children and heirs.

I declare that I was married to Josefa Lujan and from this marriage we had three children – Cristoval, Macros Manuel and Salbador.

I declare as my property one house composed of three rooms which I leave to my wife and children.

I declare that I have an orchard which is in the rear of the house and on the west side.

I declare that I leave a piece of land capable of holding one fanegas of seed, more or less, that is bound on my side by lands of Miguel de Errera, the other side my father, Domingo Martin.  This I order my administrator to divide between my wife and my children to avoid discord.

I declare that I bequeath to my wife one kettle, one copper jug, two small caldrons, three plow-points and one iron spit.

I further declare that I have one shotgun that belongs to the king (government).

I declare that I leave for the good of my soul – one riding saddle, one bridle, a pair of spurs and one sword with its sheath.

I further declare that I set aside for the expense of my burial and shroud, two horses and four cattle, two of them females.

I declare that I leave to my wife two breeding cows, two heifers and one calf.

I declare that to each one of my children, three cows, and to the youngest one, four large and one small.

I declare that I leave one large Apache woman; this I leave to my wife for five years, after which it is my will that she be freed.

I entrust as my administrator with the care of my estate and my wife, and that they raise and teach my children the law of God and the Christian doctrine.

I declare that I do not leave any debts; that I owe no one and no one owes me. 

September 3, 1704, at the request of him, signed Juan de Medina Ortis, because Matias Martin did not know how.  Wit/ Nicolas Ortis, Pasqual Trujillo, Juan de Medina Ortis, and Juan de Sandobal Martines.

I, Josefa Luxan, widow of Matias Martin, state that I received from Domingo Martin, my father-in-law, the chattels that my husband bequeathed to me in his said testament.  October 31, 1709 with witnesses:  Cristobal Tafolla, P. Sanchez and Francisco de Rivera.

I, Fray Pedro de Matha, present of the church of Santa Cruz, received from Domingo Martin for his son Matias, the offering for the burial and funeral mass, novena and eight day Mass which I celebrated, besides 15 Masses which he ordered said, and five other Masses, which amount to 119 pesos. December 28, 1704.

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series II, Roll 2, Twitchell #231, Frames 204-215
©Henrietta M. Christmas

Friday, April 26, 2013

Pedro de Chavez ~ Final Estate Papers 1736

At Atrisco on February 11, 1736, additional goods were found and added to the inventory of the estate of Pedro de Chavez.  The major children asked that the minor children be assigned an equivalent amount as they had received from their father.  They all agreed it to be about 100 pesos, exclusive of the expenses of the wedding - Juan Paez Hurtado

On said day, the additional monies in goods and cattle were redistributed.  The four married children were given during the life of their father, 300 pesos each in cow and sheep, except to Jacinto Sanchez, whom received 250 pesos.  Funeral expenses, some debs, court costs, 496 more pesos.

There remain to be distributed among the ten heirs of doña Juana Montoya, 3,894 pesos.  The funeral expenses were 314 pesos 4 reales.  To Manuela, Josefa, Monica and Efigenia, 389 pesos an 3 reales was distributed.  Francisco Javier received the same with an additional 100 pesos for the wedding. For Juana, Diego Antonio, Maria Luisa and Cresencio, all received the same and delivered into the hands of their guardian.

At Atrisco, on February 13, 1736, the older children came before me and that in charity, they assigned to the three children of the second marriage with Gertrudes Sanchez, three breeding cows, a large bull and two year old calf and another one a year old, so that said minors, their brothers, should begin to raise some cattle. – Juan Paez Hurtado.

They all signed as they were satisfied with the distributions made, February 14, 1736. – Signed Juan Gonzales Bas, Francisco Antonio Gonzales and Sebastian Marcelino by Francisco Antonio Gonzales. 

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Roll 1, Twitchell #177
©Henrietta M. Christmas

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pedro de Chavez ~ Inventory of Goods 1736

Inventory.  At the villa of Albuquerque, on December 19, 1735, I went to the settlement of Atrisco, the parties and heirs of don Pedro de Chavez, deceased, being present in order to make the inventory of the remaining chattels was one in the following form:  

Inside the dwelling house, a picture of the Crucified Lord on white canvas.

Also a picture of St. James, as the one above.

The house, which contains five rooms and an arched porch.

One plow share, four spades, one adz and one chisel.

Three copper kettles.  One horse and another one that the heirs say has been loaned out.

Two mules. Two mules that are rented out and in possession of Antonio Chavez.

250 ewes. 58 goats. 57 grown cows. 16 two-year old calves. 22 grown bulls. 18 bulls, two years old. 18 of this year’s calves.14 of this year’s calves. Ten oxen.

A tract of farming land on which can be planted a fanega of wheat, one half a fanega of corn seed, more or less.

The right that he has in the settlement of Atrisco as inheritance from don Fernando de Chavez.

Five fruit trees, apples and quinces. One Indian servant, called Agustina. An Indian woman born in the house, called Brianda. An Indian born in the house called Antonio. A little Indian boy, born in the house, called Andres. A Puebla cloth jacket, with hand braided edge and back buttons. An Old red silk jacket without sleeves. A cloth cape, gray colored, almost new. A blue used coat. Two shirts and some socks. An old hat. An old armament and an old saddle. A new canvas cover. A pair of old trousers. Some old saddle cushions. A pair of good spurs, with silver buckles and strings. A pair of old boots. An iron flat pan. In the house, doors, four windows, three doors, one with a padlock, this is the pantry door.Eight hides. Three oxen, four yokes and three carts. Two cards and one plow. One small tub. Some silver spoons were sold to Manuela Chavez for 10 pesos during her father’s lifetime.

Two coats, one new and one old, in the possession of Francisco Javier Chavez. A herd of mares that I declare are due me in the old country, as to which Tomas de Chavez has power to recover. One branding iron. 

Two sets of harness that Nicolas Gallegos took to Mexico, rented for the sum of four pesos, which he owes.

30 pesos due by Antonio Chavez for the rent of mules.20 pesos due by Borrego. 15 pesos due by Ignacio Barrera. 20 pesos due by Corporal Joseph Trujillo. 12 pesos due by Thomas Tapia. Three mutates with their top stones. Also a portfolio of papers, which the widow says she delivered to Antonio Chavez before the said don Pedro de Chavez died.  – Signed Francisco Sanchez, Julian Gonzales Bas, Salvador Martinez, Juan Gonzales Bas, Joseph Romero and Isidro Sanchez.

On December 13, 1735, I, Juan Gonzales Bas, Alcalde Mayor, knowing that Pedro de Chavez had died intestate and that he had married twice and being aware that at neither wedding the said women had brought any dowry, chattels or any other property.  I order the heirs and command them that they appear before me with the dowry letters of the first and second wife, writings, transfers or any other information, so that legally with legitimate rights be divided equally.  – Juan Gonzales Bas

On January 7, 1736 a final inventory was done by Luis Garcia a man of understanding of camp, stake and other matters along with Nicolas Duran, a master mason and architecture.  The value of the estate was first 3,988 pesos and then other items were brought forth and it totaled 4,020.

The dowries were valued at:  Manuela, Josefa, Monica all received goods valued at 300 pesos each; Efigenia at 250 pesos and Francisco had some items valued at 167 pesos.

On January 23, 1736, the minors – Diego Antonio, 12; Maria Luisa, 10; Luciano, 8 – were assigned to their uncle Francisco de Chaves as he would serve as their guardian, he is also a brother of don Pedro.

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Roll 1, Twitchell #177
©Henrietta M. Christmas

Monday, April 22, 2013

Pedro de Chavez ~ Estate Witnesses 1735-1736

Affidavit of Sebastian Marcelino.  On January 3, 1736, Sebastian married to doña Manuela de Chaves, daughter of Pedro Chavez and Juana Montoya, both deceased, and one of the heirs to appear before me.  Asked when he married was he given some stock, cattle or sheep or jewelry; he said that he was given 40 sheep and ten cows, all breeding and he also gave him a tract of land where to build a house, a tract of farm land where one fanega of wheat seed can be planted and the rest of the land, not yet farmed can be planted with another fanega of wheat seed.  He is 30 years old, more or less – Juan Paez Hurtado, Isidro Sanchez and Joseph Terrasas.

Affidavit of Jacinto Sanchez.  Married to Efigenia de Chavez, daughter of Pedro Chavez and Juana Montoya, both deceased, appeared and asked what chattels were given him at the time that he married to his said wife in furniture and sheep.  He said that the only thing that they gave him when he got married was ten cows, 25 sheep of the same quality and they did not give him anything else.  He is 25 years old, more or less, Juan Paez Hurtado, Isidro Sanchez and Joseph Terrasas.

Fray Joseph Irrigoyen, Vicar of the Villa of San Felipe Albuquerque, appear before your Majesty and ask – that when Pedro de Chavez, deceased, left me judicial right, so that I might make his will in his name and so discharge his conscience to which I agreed, I was told by the heirs that the cause of the controversy and of not finding, was there cannot be found anyone who would be willing to accept the administratorship to the satisfaction of the testator.  I hereby resign my right as testator and ask to accept said resignation. – Joseph Irrigoyen [request granted]

Warrant.  At Atrisco on December 18, 1735, I Captain Juan Gonzales Bas, Alcalde Mayor having been informed that Captain don Pedro de Chavez had died and made a will on the 7th of December of the present year, in order to know the chattels called for in the inventories that I had made on the 21st of March past.  I now received an order to make a new inventory and deliver them to a new guardian and keeper.  Juan Gonzales Bas, Joseph Romero and Isidro Sanchez.

Act of Delivery and Discharge of Marcelino.  At the said settlement, said day, month and year, I the Alcalde Mayor, went to receive all the chattels which were inventoried and in the possession of Marcelino Ladron de Guevara, who delivered the following:
308 sheep and goats.
Two oxen.
One horse.
One ‘he’ and one ‘she’ mule.
The house, the farming and other implements and everything pertaining to the house.  Having charged him with the decreases he answered: that the sheep having been so ill-treated and sickly, 58 head died and for the family use 51 head were used, together with what Francisco Javier took.  Of the cattle, for expenses, together with what Francisco Javier took for his wedding, there were 25 cattle, and in addition four that he gave title.  Of the oxen, he answers that one was strangled while yoked to the cart and that the other one died from overeating corn; that of the horses, four were carried away by the Apache and on account of Francisco Javier de Chaves and another one that he lent and has not returned and one that died in the work of the stock.  Of mules, he says that one ‘he’ mule that said Francisco Javier gave for a serge dress pattern and two that were taken, rented by Antonio Chavez.  All the discharges ere received by me and signed Juan Gonzales Bas, Joseph Romero and Isidro Sanchez.

New Deposits of Said Chattels:  On said day, month and year at Atricso. I know designate and appoint Francisco Sanchez and Francisco Javier de Chavez that they may care for, guard ad pasture them during the said time.  They likewise received the house with all its dishes, clothes and other appurtenances.  They both agreed and signed by Salvador Martinez, Juan Gonzales Bas, Joseph Romero and Isidro Sanchez.

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Roll 1, Twitchell #177
©Henrietta M. Christmas

Friday, April 19, 2013

Pedro de Chavez ~ Estate Goods 1735

In the locality of Atrisco, on March 21, 1735, in conforming with the petitions, first by Manuela Chaves, legitimate daughter of Pedro Chaves, I went with two witnesses and took an inventory of all his real and personal chattels.  Which are:  his residence, a picture of the crucified Christ and one of St. James; his whole residence is composed of five rooms, a large porch with arches; the farming implements, one pitch fork, one spade, one as and one adz, a chisel, three kettles; also seven horses, four ‘he’ mules and one ‘she’ mule; of cattle 140, in addition to 12 oxen; also the sheep and goats, 417 head.  Besides this number, 25 were given to Jacinto Sanchez, son-in-law of Pedro de Chavez.  In addition to the number of cattle, there were given to said Jacinto eight cows and two bulls, on account of the dowry that don Pedro de Chaves, owed his daughter doña Efigenia de Chaves. Also as appurtenances to the house, a tract of farming land in which could probably be planted a fanega of wheat and one-half of fanega of corn seed. Besides the right that he has in the settlement to free entrances and outlets, waters, pastures and watering places, as inheritance for his father, don Fernando de Chaves. In addition, five fruit trees, apples and quinces; and whereas, Sebastian de Marcelino, son-in-law of don Pedro de Chaves, assumed the part of guardian, the above mentioned chattels were delivered to him, together with the charge he undertakes of the education of the minors and their feeding and sustenance.   He is assigned the salary of ten pesos per month for his work at the expense of the estate.  On this March 2, for the period of four months, which having passed, he shall be paid in advance from the bulk of the estate. I also give him this inventory made by me, said Alcalde mayor.  Juan Gonzales Bas, Francisco Antonio Gonzales, Cresencio Rael de Aguilar at the request of Sebastian de Marcelino.

At the villa on January 22, 1736, I the Governor of said Kingdom, owing to the death of Pedro de Chaves, resident of San Felipe de Albuquerque, an inventory is to be made amongst the ones who would be heirs; assigned to Juan Paez Hurtado and Juan Gonzales Bas – Signed Geronimo Cruzat y Gongora, Gaspar Gilthomey, and Juan Antonio de Jaramillo.

Affidavit of don Nicolas de Chavez.  At the settlement of Atrisco, on March 12, 1736, I took his oath and asked what he knew of don Pedro de Chaves’s marriage with doña Juana Montoya, if she had in her possession some dowry of cows, oxen or sheep, or other things, furniture, to say what he knew.  Juana brought a servant of hers, an Indian woman to serve her; and that he had also heard it said that she had brought to the possession of don Pedro a cart.  Asked if she had brought some oxen with cart, he replied, he did not know. Asked if Juana had left a will or memorandum, he did not hear or know anything.  When doña Juana died, there were left at least 350 cattle of all ages, about 1,000 sheep, this increase being done to the care and pains of the said Indian woman and he adds that he heard it said that don Pedro de Chaves, deceased, bought from Martin Garcia 30 hear of sheep but did not recall if it was before or after he contracted marriage with doña Juana.  He is interested being a brother of don Pedro de Chaves, deceased, he is 40 years old more or less – Juan Paez Hurtado, Nicolas de Chaves, Isidro Sanchez, Joseph Terrasas.

Ratification of don Francisco Chavez.  He did not want to add or change any of the affidavit.  When asked if doña Juana Montoya left a will or memorandum, he said that he did not know and then asked if he knew about the cattle at the time of death; he stated that when she died there were left about 280 branded cattle she had, more or less, and of sheep and goats there were 1,500 more or less, and that is all he knows. – Juan Paez Hurtado, Joseph Terrasas, Pedro Sanchez.

Affidavit of Baltasar Romero.  On January 3, 1736, at the verbal request of the heirs, caused Captain Baltasar Romero to appear before me; he did not wish to add or change anything from the previous affidavit.  When asked if the Indian woman that doña Juana Montoya brought into the possession of don Pedro de Chavez, when she married, was a person paid or whether she had her as a slave and whether the Indian by her care, as herder of the stock, increased it and to what amount.  In his opinion, he said he did not have her for any particular pay nor slave, nor was she given as such; that he knows, this because he lived in the same house of Captain Diego Montoya and he was present when he gave the said Indian woman to his daughter, Juana and the rest of the children, including the affiant’s wife asked their father why it was he did not give them an Indian woman, as he gave one to his daughter Juana; and that the father said he was giving her to Juana because she was lame.   Asked about the cattle he knew because don Pedro de Chaves told him that when the first wife died, there were over 200 cows and 900 sheep and he did not know why the stock had diminished so.  He did not know anymore, was 63 years old and signed with me – Juan Paez Hurtado, Baltasar Romero, Isidro Sanchez, and Joseph Terrasas.

Affidavit of Antonio Baca.  At Atrisco, I, asked Antonio Baca, being one of the heirs, to appear before me.  Asked at the time that he married doña Monica de Chaves, daughter of Pedro de Chaves and Juana Montoya, was he given any dowry or real or personal chattels; he said that is it true that his said father-in-law gave him 50 ewes and ten cows, and one breeding cow.  Asked about jewelry, he said that he did not give him anything more than what he has stated.  He is 26 years old – Antonio Baca, Juan Paez Hurtado, Isidro Sanchez, and Joseph Terrasas.

I asked Francisco Sanchez, married to Josefa de Chaves, daughter of Pedro de Chavez and Juana Montoya, to appear before me.  I asked him how many cattle and how many head of sheep there were at the time he married with the said Josefa, he said that what his father-in-law gave him was 50 head of sheep and two cows and one breeding and that he did not give him anything else.  He is 28 years old – Juan Paez Hurtado, Isidro Sanchez and Joseph Terrasas.

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Roll 1, Twitchell #177
©Henrietta M. Christmas