
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

List of Property Owners in Santa Fe ~ 1836

Reference:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Twitchell 1314, Frame 1221-1223.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Chaperito Burials, 1885-1908

New Mexico Archdiocese Archives Roll 96

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August 25, 1885, Miquela Zamora, wife of Aplonio Ramirez, 48 years old, La Liendre cemetery. 

October 4, 1885, Esquipula Valverde, 3 years old, son of Reyes Valverde and Felicita Duran, Chaperito cemetery.

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November 4, 1885, Fidencia Barros, infant of one year and 2 months, daughter of Antonio Barros and Ramona Lucero, Chaperito cemetery.

November 9, 1885, Lizarito Duran, infant of one year, son of Epifanio Duran and Doniciana Ulivarri, Chaperito cemetery.

November 9, 1885, Maria Juana Barros, infant on one year, daughter of Francisco Barros and Isabel Garcia, Chaperito cemetery.

November 12, 1885, Dolores Marquez, 72 years old, widow of Jose de la Cruz Casias, Los Torres cemetery.

November 27, 1885, Manuel Costello, one year and 6 months, son of Felis Castillo and Juana Borrego, Tascora in Texas.

December 23, 1885, Manuel de Herrera, widower of Isabel de Herrera, 87 years, Alamositos cemetery.

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December 23, 1885, Ramon Quintana, 50 years, husband of Maria de Jesus Martinez, Alamositos cemetery.

December 23, 1885, Maria de Jesus Martinez, widow of Ramon Quintana, 45 years, Alamositos cemetery.

December 23, 1885, Ignacio Montaño, widow of Agustin Gonzales, 54 years old, Alamositos cemetery.

December 23, 1885, Jose Guadalupe Mares, husband of Maria Prudencia Quintana, 30 years old, Alamositos cemetery.

December 24, 1885, Margarita Baca, one year two months, daughter of Ramon Baca and Ursula Duran, Los Torres cemetery.

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January 20, 1886, Pablo Ortega, one year five months old, s/Dario Ortega and Daria Tapia, Chaperito cemetery.

January 20, 1886, Candido Aragon, four years old, s/Estevan Aragon and Filemona Duran, Chaperito cemetery.

January 30, 1886, Maria Dolores Torres, 62 years, wife of Jesus Maria Valverde, Church at Los Torres.

February 1, 1886, Margarita Montaño, eleven months, d/Luis Montaño and Maria Lucero, Church at Los Torres.

February 23, 1886, Petra Lopez, 65 years old, widow of Jesus Maria Gallegos, Church at La Liendre.

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February 23, 1886, Julian Ulivarri, one year 5 months, s/Marcial Ulivarri and Ramona Lucero, Chaperito cemetery.

February 23, 1886, Francisco Martinez, 56 years old, husband to Meregilda Alarcon, Chaperito cemetery.

April 24, 1886, David Apodaca, 2 years old, s/Nestora Apodaca, Chaperito cemetery.

April 24, 1886, Venerito Serna, 6 months old, s/Juan Serna and Maria Concesion Garcia, Chaperito cemetery.

April 25, 1886, Rita Garcia, 57 years old, wife of Juaquin Apodaca, Montoña cemetery.

April 25, 1886, Carlitos Aragon, a few months old, s/Hilario Aragon and Querina Sandoval, Montoña cemetery.

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April 26, 1886, Isidora Romero, 50 years old, wife of Longino Aragon, La Liendre cemetery.

April 25, 1886, Ramon Benavides, 66 years old, husband of Alta Gracia Lopez, La Liendre cemetery.

April 25, 1886, Nicolas Archuleta, 1 year 3 months, s/Faustina Archuleta, La Liendre.

April 25, 1886, Pedro Urioste, one year, s/Ricardo Urioste and Manuela Gonzales, La Liendre cemetery.

June 19, 1886, Maria Dyonisia Lujan, 45 years old, wife of Jose ? de Herrera, Cañon Largo cemetery.

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August 29, 1886, Maria Euloles Apodaca, 10 months old, d/Juan Apodaca and Alejandra Martinez, Chaperito cemetery.

August 22, 1886, Blas Garcia, 18 years old, s/Francisco Garcia and Maria de Jesus Duran, Chaperito cemetery.

September 29, 1886, Antonio Gutierrez, 82 years old, widower of Encarnacion Baca, Chaperito cemetery.

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January 8, 1887, Segundo Duran, 6 months old, s/Francisco Duran and Petronilla Contreras, Chaperito cemetery.

April 12, 1887, Francisco Torres, 82 years old, Los Torres cemetery.

October 7, 1887, Jose Maria Madrid, 37 years old, Chaperito cemetery.

December 27, 1887, Fabiola ?, 3 months old, Chaperito cemetery.

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May 19, 1888, Paulina Garcia, wife of Juan Bautista Garcia, Valles de San Agustin.

August 14, 1888, Marcelino Garcia, 48 years old, husband to Guadalupe Sandoval, Los Valles cemetery.

September 19, 1888, Eduardo Tafoya, 2 years old, s/Albino Tafoya and Isidora Aragon, Chaperito cemetery.

September 28, 1888, Lorenza Gonzales, wife of Pablo Jaramillo, Chaperito cemetery.

November 13, 1888, Paula Gallegos, 30 years old, wife of Crescencio Angel, Cañon Largo cemetery.

December 16, 1888, Isabel Apodaca, 70 years old, Chaperito cemetery.
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January 27, 1889, Maria de Jesus Chavez, wife of Felipe Maes, Chaperito.

April 21, 1889, Alejandra Tafoya, 3 months old, d/Alonzo Tafoya and ? Aragon, Chaperito cemetery.

April 25, 1889, Gregorio Romero, one month, s/Macedon Romero and Apolonia Tenorio, Chaperito cemetery.

July 4, 1889, Eulalia Jaramillo, 17 days, d/Luis Jaramillo and Teresa Mestas, Chaperito cemetery.

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May 2, 1890, David Jaramillo, 4 months, s/Ventura Jaramillo and Virginia Gallegos, Chaperito cemetery.

September 19, 1890, Felipa Romo, 32 years old, wife of Fermin Almanzar, La Concepcion cemetery.

September 19, 1890, Esquipula Gallegos, 62 years old, wife of Sisto Angel, Chaperito cemetery.

September 20, 1890, Julian Garcia, 85 years, widower of Francisco Gallegos, Chaperito cemetery.

November 5, 1890, La Liendre cemetery, the following:
Martin Gonzales, 7 years old
Florencio Gonzales, 5 years old
Desideria Gonzales, 7 months old
Anastacio Gomez, 1 year old
Severo Gonzales, 19 years old
Teresa Gonzales, wife of Francisco Gomez
Eustaria Herrera, 1 year old

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January 2, 1891, Anselmo Blea, 12 years old, s/Nicolas Blea and Maria del Socorro Castillo, Las Conchas.

January 12, 1891, Isabel Duran, 1 month old, d/Marco Duran and Pilar Pacheco.

January 4, 1891, Maria Trinidad, widow of Ambrosio Anaia, of Los Torres.

February 4, 1891, Isabel Montano, wife of Jose Antonio Ulivari, 64 years old.

February 12, 1891, Joanna Maria, baptized and born the day before, d/Felipe Tafoya and Carlota Mora.

February 10, 1891, no name noted Armijo, one day old, baptized the day, d/Donaciano Armijo and Josefa  Ribera.

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March 3, 1891, Senaida Flores, 6 years old, d/Leonido Flores and Maria Leonarda Ulivarri.

March 9, 1891, Longino Aragon, 65 years old, of La Liendre.

March 25, 1891, Rosena Jaramillo, d/Luis Jaramillo and Teresita Martel, of Chaperito.

March 28, 1891, Felipe Jaramillo, 5 years old, s/Felipe Jaramillo and Juana Ortega?, of La Aguila.

March 30, 1891, Pablo Jaramillo, 85 years old, of La Aguila.

April 24, 1891, Rosaria Lobato, wife of Epumeno Lopez

April 10, 1891, La Armenta cemetery, Maria Carlota, 8 years old, d/Andres Eual
Jose Montoya, 3 years, s/Francisco Montoya and Joanna Maria Vigil and Francisco Gonzales, 55 years, husband of Maria Archuleta

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April 11, 1891, Andreita Lopes, 3 years old, d/Benderio Lopez, Alamositos cemetery.

April, 1891, Maria Deluvina Romero, d/Dolores Romero and Marceliana Gonzales

April, 1891 (all listed in one large entry)
Soledad Ruiz, 60 years old, wife of Miguel Esquibel
Placido Esquibel,1 year, s/Juan Esquibel and Felomena Vasquez
Pedro Jose Romero, 7 years old, s/Pedro Jose Romero and Maria Petra Vigil
Severo Gallegos, wife of Maria Ignacia Valdez
Juan Garcia, 60 years old, husband of Maria de la Luz Montoya
Felicita Andrada, 4 years old, d/Casimiro Andrade and Carmen Romero

March 30, 1891, Pablo Ribera, 50 years old, Chaperito cemetery.

April 15, 1891, Jose They? Lucero, Chaperito cemetery.

May 1891, Manuel Salas, 75 years old.

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June 5, 1891, Encarnacion Baca, 70 years old, Los Torres cemetery.

August 13, 1891, Juan Pablo, s/Severino Ribera and Barbara Baros, Chaperito cemetery.

August 16, 1891, Luz Lucero, 60 years old, wife of Salvador Martinez, Chaperito cemetery.

August 16, 1891, Maria Anastacia Duran, 1 year, 3 months, d/Anastacio Duran and Ventura Garcia.

August 22 1891, Modesta Lucero, 2 years of age, d/Dolores Lucero and Dorotheo Ortega.

November 21, 1891, Benito Angel, 8 months, Chaperito cemetery.

November 21, 1891, Martin Gracia, 1 year old, Chaperito cemetery.

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December 20, 1891, Patricio Garcia, 1 month, Chaperito cemetery.

December 21 1891, Eulugio Gonzales, s/Ramon Gonzales and Tomasa Lucero, 2 years old, Chaperito cemetery.

December 13, 1891, Rufina Angel, d/Remegio Angel and Maria Apodaca, 4 years old, Chaperito cemetery.

December 13, 1891, Samphorosa Martinez, 3 months, d/Gavina Martinez and Andrea Martinez.

December 12, 1891, Lazaro Tapia, 1 year old, s/Guadalupe Tapia.

December 23, 1891, Filano Garcia, 2 years, s/Rafael Garcia and Demacia Gallegos.

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March 1, 189?, Nicolas Martinez, 76 years old.

January 2, 1892, Benita Garcia, 3 years, Chaperito cemetery.

January 7, 1892, Reyes Martinez, 2 years.

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No date given, Antonia Maria Lucero, 2 months, d/Antonio Maria Lucero and Casimira Gallegos, Chaperito cemetery.

No date given, Maria Ignacia, 6 months, d/Roman Lopez and Andrea Gallegos, Chaperito cemetery.

March 2, 1892, Aleja Anaia, 11 months.

March 6, 1892, Eufemia Anaia, 2 years old, d/Victor Anaia and Valentina Ortega.

May 7, 1892, Cleofas Alarcon, 6 years old, s/J. Antonio and Maria Juana Duran.

May 14, 1892, Pablo Gonzales, 10 months.

July 1892, Atanasia Garcia, 29 years, wife of Barbino Lucero, Chaperito.

July 1892, Ofer? Lucero, 1 year old, s/Feliz Lucero and Canduta Garcia, Chaperito.

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No date given, Alexandra Martinez, wife of Juan Apodaca.

August 10, 1892, Mariana Brito, d/Tomas Brito and Epimenia Enciania, 12 years, San Lorenzo.

August 3, 1892, Fernandez Gallegos, husband of Manuela Apocada, Chaperito.

August 24, 1892, Salvador Martin, widowed of Luz Lucero, Chaperito.

October 12, 1892, Maria Victoria Pacheco, wife of Jose Miguel Archuleta, Chaperito.

December 1, 1892, Benito Romero, husband of Manuela Montana, La ?.

December 19, 1892, Martina de los Dolores Anaya, d/Monica Anaya, 2 years 10 months, Los Torres.

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June 7, 1893, Jose Dolores Gonzales, s/Simon Gonzales and Maria Juana Lucero, born March 24, 1893. born March 21, 1893, Aguila

October 10, 1893, Vidal Sena, s/Hygenio Sena and Pabla Lucero, born April 24, 1893, Chaperito.

October 10, 1893, Maria Elvira Salas, d/Ramon Salas and Leonarda Ortaga, born December 18, 1891, Chaperito.

October 28, 1893, Romualdo Lucero, 76 years old, Chaperito.

October 21, 1893, Jose de la Paz Varos, s/Jose Maria Baros, born January 23, 1892, Chaperito.

December 12, 1893, Pablo Garduño, s/Sangosa Garduño and Clara Ortega, born April 15, 1893, Chaperito.

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January 12, 1894, Pablo Garcia, s/Francisco Garcia and Estefana Lucero, born January 25, 1893, Chaperito.

January 13, 1894, Rosaura Lopez, d/Roman Lopez and Andrea Gallegos, born December 13, 1893, Aguila.

January 13, 1894, Luisa Garcia, single, d/Poncio Garcia and Jesusita Duran, 22 years old, Aguila.

March 15, 1894, Juan Bautista Mestas, s/Filemon Mestas and Estefana Apodaca, born in January, Aguila.

February 1894, Filadelfia Garcia, d/Luisa Garcia, born January 19, Aguila.

August 25, 1894, Camilo Gallegos, single, s/Jesus Gallegos and Catalina Varos, 25 years old, Chaperito.

September 24, 1894, Maria Dolores Martinez, wife of Manuel Montoya, 53 years, 5 months, Chaperito.

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September 26, 1894, Hilario Martines and Juan Dimas, both assassinated at the Ojito de Las Conchas, both from Las Manuelitas.

October 1894, Maria Agueda Gallegos, d/Teodoro Gallegos and Guadalupe Montaño, born February 16, 1893, Chaperito.

October 3, 1894, Dolores Lopes, s/Luciano Lopez and Gabina Martines, born February 24, 1894, Chaperito.

October 14, 1894, Romana Gallegos, d/Jesus Gallegos and Catalina Varos, 7 years, Chaperito.

October 14, 1894, Juan Francisco Salas, 80 years old, Chaperito.

December 28, 1894, Perfecta Valencia, wife of Rafael Gonsales, 49 years old, Chaperito.

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January 18, 1895, Maria Francisca, d/Canuto Lucero and Vidal Olguin, 2 years, Chaperito.

January 20, 1895, ? Jaramillo, s/Luis Jaramillo and Teresa Mestas, 3 months, Aguila.

February 2, 1895, Donaciano Duran, s/Atanacio Duran and Ventura Garcia, 12 years, Chaperito.

February 9, 1895, Hilario Varos, husband of Rosaria Lucero, 28 years old, Chaperito.

February 14, 1895, Maria Guadalupe Sais, d/Francisco Sais and Epomenia Garduño, 5 years old, Chaperito.

February 17, 1895, Ines Barela.

February 20, 1895, Carlota Leger, wife of Carlos Martines, Chaperito.

March 6, 1895, Manuela Apodaca, 75 years, Chaperito.

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March 19, 1895, Emerenciano Sena, s/Juan Sena and Concepcion Garcia, 1 year, Chaperito.

May 29, 1895, Nicolasa Duran, wife of Simon Gutierres, Aguila.

June 23, 1895, Gregoria Garcia, d/Rafael Garcia y Clarrilla and Juliana Garcia y Atencio, 5 years, Chaperito.

July 26, 1895, Romana Mes, wife of Juan de Dios Lucero, Aguila

July 30, 1895, Maria Isabela Garcia, d/Jose Leon Garcia and Francisca Montoya, 13 years, Chaperito.

August 9, 1895, Santos Garduño, s/Saragosa Garduño and Clara Ortega, 11 ½ months, Chaperito.

August 14, 1895, Emmanuel Antonia de Jesus de los Reyes, d/Francisco Lucero and Reyes Flores, 3 months, Chaperito.

August 16, 1895, Vidal Garica, s/Jose Garcia and Luciana Olguin, 22 years, Chaperito.

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October 4, 1895, Juan Crespin, s/Donaciano Crespin and Demesia Gallegos, one day old, Chaperito.

November 1895, Lucio Salas, s/Eleona Salas and Gertrudes Chaves, 1 year, Chaperito.

November 24, 1895, Cipriana Flores, wife of Philemon Sanches, 23 years, Los Torres.

December 28, 1895, Sabina Flores, wife of Marcos Duran, 28 years, Los Torres.

October 28, 1895, Benedito Apodaca, 1 ½ year old, Chaperito.

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January 11, 1896, Alberta Varos, wife of dec. Matias Gonsales, 62 years, Chaperito.

January 13, 1896, Angelina Gallegos, d/Eusebio Gallegos and Paz Apodaca, 1 year 22 days, Chaperito.

January 21, 1896,Cleofas Garcia, wife of Jose Flores, 27 years, Chaperito.

February 10, 1896, Vidal Apodaca, s/Julio Apodaca and Gregoria Velasques, 5 months, Chaperito.

March 22, 1896, Rosenda Gomes, d/Pablo Gomes and Nicolasa Garduño, 2 years, Chaperito.

April 2, 1896, Apolineria Tenorio, wife of Macedon Romero, 33 years, Trementina.

April 5, 1896, Procopios Ortega, s/Miguel Ortega and Raymunda Gallegos, 11 days, Chaperito.

April 17, 1896, Lucia Lucero, d/Ramon Lucero and Petra Gonsales, 4 months, Chaperito.

June 26, 1896, Josefa Errera, widow of Santiago Martin, near 70 years old, Chaperito.

July 28, 1896, Faustina C de Baca, wife of Ines Piñon, 44 years, Chaperito.

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October 16, 1896, Florentino Garcia, single, 25 years old, Aguila.

October 17, 1896, Maria Luciana Olgin, wife of Jose Valentin Garcia y Barrio, 48 years, Chaperito.

January 22, 1897, Barbarita Martinez, wife of Luis Baca, 49 years, resident of Chaperito, born 1848.

January 30, 1897, Jose de J. Maria Duran, s/Epifanio Duran and Pabla Garcia, 9 days old, Chaperito.

March 14, 1897, Manuela Gallegos, wife of Apolonio Sena, 16 years 5 months, Chaperito.

March 23, 1897, Francisco de Salas Martinez, s/Jesus Maria Martinez and Cristana Ba?, 4 months, Chaperito.

April 10, 1897, Rafael Gonsales, widowed of Perfeta Valencia, 55 years.

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April 19, 1897, Santos Primitivo Lopez, s/Luciano Lopez and Gos? Martinez de Lopez, 5 months, Concepcion.

May 6, 1897, Jose Leon Garcia, husband of Francisca Montoya, 39 years, s/Julian Garcia and Dolores Atencio, Chaperito.

May 25, 1897, Sotera Garduño, d/Espiridian Garduño and ? Lucero, 1 month 1 day, Chaperito.

May 20 1897, Two daughters born, Unnamed and Juana Maria ?, both just born, d/Guadalupe ? and ?

May 13, 1897, Daniel Barros, s/Celso Barros and Gertrudes Chaves, 2 months.

August 21, 1897, Perfeta Lucero, wife of Francisco Rival, 26 years old, Los Torres.

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June 14, 1899, Ignacio Ermel Ribera, s/Candido Ribera and Luisa Barros, 28 days, Chaperito.

May 8, 1899, Ercelina Garica, wife of Crespin Beltran, Chaperito.

June 14, 1899, Euculano Beltran, s/Crespin Beltran and Ercelina Garcia, Chaperito.

June 30, 1899, Nicolasa Garduño, wife of Pablo Gomez, Chaperito.

August 3, 1899, Evaristo Garcia, s/Jose Guadalupe Garcia and Candelaria Baca, 1 year, Chaperito.

August 9, 1899, Luisa Duran, wife of Francisco Sena, 62 years, Chaperito.

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September 1, 1897, Josefa Gonzalez, d/Jose Gonzalez and Encarnacion Duran, 1 year, Chaperito.

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January 7, 1900, Manuel Montoya, widowed of Dolores Martinez, 69 years, Chaperito.

January 8, 1900, Carmelita ?, widow of blank, 70 years, Chaperito.

January 17, 1900, Eulalio Duran, s/Luis Duran and Adelaida Garcia, 9 months, Chaperito.

January 21, 1900, Basilia Duran, d/Atanasio Duran and Ventura Garcia, 1 year 7 months, Chaperito.

January 29, 1900, Sostenes Simona Duran, d/Simon Duran and Andrea Sena, 9 months, Chaperito.

February 2, 1900, Maria Magdalena Duran, d/Simon Duran and Andrea Sena, 3 years and 18 days, Chaperito.

February 11, 1900, Pablo Montoya, s/Benino Montoya and Teodora Barros, 22 days, Chaperito.

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January 26, 1900, Filomena Gonzalez, wife of Jose Romulo Lucero, Cemetery of Las Conchas.

March 16, 1900, Two female Archuleta children of Silvero Archuleta and Mariana Baca, 3 days old, Chaperito

March 21, 1900, Lugarda Onerimo Ortega, d/Eligio Ortega and Juliana ?, 1 month, Chaperito.

March 22, 1900, Margarita Gallegos, d/Esteban Gallegos and Melquirdes Garcia, 9 months, Chaperito.

March 19, 1900, Petra Contreras, wife of Francisco Duran, 30 years, Chaperito.

March 6, 1900, Victoria Duran, wife of Clemento Rael, 22 years, Los Torres.

March 25, 1900, Juan Maria Garcia, s/Herculano Garcia and Cleofas C. de Baca, 10 months, Chaperito.

February 1900, Anastacio Ruival, Los Torres

March 29, 1900, Ventura Trujillo, husband of Rita Marquez,  La Liendre.

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April 16, 1900, Sistosa Jaramillo, d/Ventura Jaramillo and Basilia Tapia, 2 years, Chaperito.

April 8, 1900, Felemon Tapia, s/Guadalupe Tapia and Inocencia Tapia, 16 days old, Chaperito.

April 21, 1900, Marianita Tapia, d/Guadalupe Tapia and Inocencia Tapia, 2 years, Chaperito.

April 20, 1900, Carlota ?, wife of Felipe Tafoya, born in 1873.

May 1, 1900, Rosenda Jaramillo, d/Benturo Jaramillo and Basilia Tapia, 5 years.

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February 29, 1908, Laidco Garcia, s/Juan Augustin Garica and Madalena M. de Garcia, 9 months, Chaperito.

April 6, 1908, Martina Garcia de Tafoya, wife of Jose de la Cruz Tafoya, 46 years, d/Poucio Garcia and Jesusita Duran, Chaperito.

©Henrietta M. Christmas