Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Antonio Maria Pacheco - Probate Mora County 1886 con't

Continued from January 5, 2014 blog post. 

Probate Court 1886 - Translation

Wednesday, 4th of March 1886, A.D. – Morning session
The Court opened according the docket from yesterday finding 12 people present: the Honorable Probate Judge, John Doherty, Alguacil Mayor (Bailiff) and Agapito Abeyta Jr. Secretary.

The morning business was taken care off (I didn’t translate the whole thing because it didn’t pertain to your case).

Afternoon Session
The afternoon session began at 2:00 p.m. with same officials as the morning session following the court docket.

Now comes before you Ma. Luisa Martinez de Pacheco and Severino Martinez who appear before you along with the following bondsmen (guarantors)  Rumaldo Gonzales, Nestor Ribera, Francisco Rael, Nicanor Trujillo and Maximo Martinez who are administrators and executors of the deceased Antonio Maria Pacheco.

The court determines that Maria Luisa Martinez de Pacheco who is the mother of Maria Josefa Pacheco, 20 years of age, Juana Maria 18 years of age, Juan Andres who is 16, Elias de los Reyes who is 9 years of age, Maria de los Angeles who is 2 years old.  That she is the maternal guardian of these children and is responsible for their education, their care and whatever else this honorable court order, that she be trusted until the next regular of this court, said Maria Luisa Martinez de Pacheco will post a surety bond sufficient for the care and goods for these minor children.

Page 99
The doctor E. P. Talley presents a bill against the estate of Antonio Maria Pacheco, deceased in the amount of $150.00 being recognized by the Administrator of the Estate, the honorable court orders this bill to be paid.

His Honor in brief words so orders Maria Luisa Martinez de Pacheco and Severino Martinez, as Administrators of the estate of the deceased Antonio Maria Pacheco to inventory said estate and arrange for distribution to the best that can be reached in their capacity that no one has any difficulty.

The rest of the page is comprised of bills which are presented against the estate of Henry Robison. 

F.A. Gutierrez
Probate Judge
Witness: Agapito Abeyta Jr.

Page 162
Top of the page is the morning session – does not pertain to your case.
The proceedings from yesterday were read and approved.

Afternoon Session
The court opens at 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon, after the morning recess.

Comes before me Severino Martinez and Maria Luisa Martines, as administrators and caretakers of the estate of the deceased Antonio Maria Pacheco and the accounting that is presented to this court and have been distributed to the heirs of this estate, the sums are listed as they were distributed:

1.         Guadalupe Pacheco de Mores            $         32.00
2.         Trinidad Pacheco de Mores                $ 25, 925.00
3.         Ma. de Jesus Pacheco de Gonzales    $ 25, 925.00
4.         Soledad Pacheco de Martines             $ 25, 925.00
5.         Luisa Martines de Pacheco                 $ 71, 650.00
6.         Antonia Pacheco de Rodriguez           $ 11, 925.00
7.         Rev. Antonio Fourchegu                     $    3,500.00
8.         Lowenstein, Strauss & Company       $    1,000.00
9.         Agapito Abeyta Jr.     $     2,350.00
10        Luciano Pacheco        $     3,000.00
11.       Maximo Martines       $     1,500.00
12.       B. M. St. Vrain           $     7,500.00
13.       C.P. Talley      $        150.00
14.       Lowenstein, Strauss & Company       $ 4,900.00
15.       James Dougherty                                $ 1,000.00
16.       Macedonio Gallegos (Collector of Taxes)    4,768.00
            TOTAL           $ 193,968.00
                                    $          32.00
The administrators also advise that the following are the sums of animals

Page 163
Of March 1887

continued from previous page:  that died after having completed the inventory, they had been gathered and divided and this information was given by the parties that had been in care of the animals.

5 cows valued at         $  70.00
5 cows – under care of Pedro Gonzales – valued at      70.00
3 cows – under care of Librado Pacheco – valued at     42.00
1 cow – under care of Rafael Casados – valued at        14.00
5 goats – under care of Jose Manuel Abeyta – valued at             5.00
2 pigs in care of the administrators – valued at               4.00
200 sheep in care of Ramon Pacheco & Manuel Bueno – valued at    200.00
  Totaled at      $405.00

Also the administrators advised the court that they had sold 25 cows and 2 calves because they needed money to pay some expenses from the estate and the value of said animals was $2,344.68

Next paragraph pertains to the estate of Abraham Moncayo.

Court adjourned until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow
Dolores Romero,
Probate Judge
Attested to by Agapito Abeyta, Jr.

Page 174 – Regular Term of the Probate Court
Tuesday, May 3, 1887 –
Morning Session
The Court opens at 9:00 a.m. with the docket from the previous day.  Present are the Honorable Dolores Romero, Probate Judge, Macario Gallegos, Bailiff , Agapito Abeyta Jr. Secretary.

The proceedings from yesterday were read and approved..

(The next three cases are not your family so I am not translating)

Maria Prudencia Martines de Sisneros appeared before the judge regarding naming a guardian for her children.

Jose Encarnacion Sandoval presented himself as guardian for two Moncayo children.

Emiteria Watrous de Gregg appeared with her husband George W. Gregg protesting the findings of the court for the heirs of Samuel B. Watrous.

Page 175

Continuation of the Watrous children protestation – judge ruling and this ended the morning session.

Afternoon Session – May 2 1887
Court resumed at 2:00 p.m. continuing with the morning docket – Watrous case continued to a later date.

Then appears the administrators of the Estate of the deceased Antonio Ma Pacheco, along with their attorney Rafael Romero asking this court for permission to concede the proviso that they can appear in the next term.  (I think they are asking for a continuance but you didn’t copy the next page when the answer is given so I can’t be sure it was granted)

Page 192
Regular Term of July 1887 A.D.

Friday, 8 July 1887 A.D.
Morning session
The court opened this morning at 9:00 a.m. continuing the docket from yesterday.  Present is the Honorable Probate Court Judge, Dolores Romero, Macario Gallegos, bailiff, acting in place of Catorino Romo, Deputy Bailiff, and Agapito Abeyta Jr. secretary.

The proceedings from yesterday were read and approved.

We quickly proceeded to the order of business.

Next 2 paragraphs deals with the estate of Jose Manuel Arellano.
Next 2 paragraphs deals with the estate of Maria Agustina Trujillo

Bottom of the page –
And now Severino Martinez and Ma Luisa Martinez de Pacheco, administrators
Page 193
Of the estate of Antonio Ma Pacheco advising that it is not possible for them to comply in this term with the public announcement in the newspaper and they ask for more time until the next term which is in September and therefore ask for a continuance.

Next 4 paragraphs pertain to the estate of Francisco Rael.
Last paragraph is for Pedro Aragon

Page 195
Probate Count Regular term on September 5, 1887 A.D.
Morning session
The court opened this morning at 9:00 a.m. continuing the docket from yesterday.  Present is the Honorable Probate Court Judge, Dolores Romero, Macario Gallegos, bailiff, and Agapito Abeyta Jr. secretary.
The proceedings from yesterday were read and approved.

Next paragraph deals with Tomasa Montoya de Mascareñas and the estate of Maria Vicenta Salazar de Montoya.
Adjourns for lunch
Afternoon session opens at 2:00 p.m. Present is the Honorable Probate Court Judge, Dolores Romero, Macario Gallegos, bailiff, and Agapito Abeyta Jr. secretary.

Now appears before me Severino Martinez administrator for the estate of Antonio Ma Pacheco and presents the following:  Territory of New Mexico, County of Mora, The below has affirmed saying that he swears to the best of his knowledge and belief, under his jurisdiction declares and says that he is one of the administrators of the Estate of the deceased Antonio Maria Pacheco, that he understands that he is known to be an administrator of said estate.  (looks like there is a part of the top of the page that is cut off)

…No page number listed
Heirs who have reached their majority and he has given to them their part of the inheritance and goods for which your affiant was curator.  Now this said curator has turned over all the property to all the heirs and this administrator now asks to be relieved of his responsibility and asks that this petition be considered.

Next 2 paragraphs are for Josefa Rivera de Leiba.

Signed Dolores Romero
Probate Judge

Witness:  Agapito Abeyta Jr., secretary

Reference:  New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Santa Fe, NM, Mora County, NM Probates, Ascencion 1974-036, Serial no. 15351, Datses 1884-1890. With permission from Robyn Vigil and Kathleen Romero.

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