Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Phelipa de Rojas ~ Estate 1733

At the villa of Santa Fe on the 10th of January 1733, I the Captain Antonio de Uribarri, alcalde mayor and War Captain of this said villa, went to the house and residence of Phelipa de Rojas, deceased, in order to examine the property of the said deceased with three assistants – Juan Manuel Chirinos and Bernardo de Zena and Joseph de Armijo.  They ascertained the following properties:

One hose, containing five small rooms and its patio.

One parcel of ploughed land which runs from the acequia madre to the wall of the house of Juachin de Anaya.  Another parcel of land lying on the north and back of the said house.

Some goats in the possession of Antonio Baca, who will state the number.

One mantilla with fringe; one woolen skirt; one blue serge skirt; one yellow satin short cloak; one large scarf claimed to belong to the granddaughter of said deceased; one new Rouen linen skirt; two blankets; one woolen shirt; two buffalo hides; one mattress; one large chest with a key and another chest with key; one caldron; one iron spoon; one carpenter’s axe; one young burro and saddle; two chickens; three spring chickens; three roosters; about nine sacks of corn; six fanegas of wheat; about two fanegas of peas; one fanega of habas (beans); one string of chili; six bunches of dried pumpkins; two rolls of small round disks of squash; four strings of chicos.

One black hair sieve; one pair of hose, not finished; two pairs of knitting needles; one old Apache basket; one small pair of scissors and half of a fanega of piñon.

All the above examined remains in possession of Juachin de Anaya, from which he is to pay funeral expenses and afterwards ascertain what is left, furnish me with a receipt of funeral expenses.

In evidence of which, I do hereby sign the same as alcalde mayor and because said Juachin de Anaya did not know hot wo write, he requested Juan Manuel Chirinos to sign for him; there being present as witnesses of these proceedings, Bernardino de Zena and Joseph de Armijo, who, not knowing how to write their names, did not sign.  At the request of Juachin de Anaya – Juan Manuel Chirinos, Lucas Miguel de Moia and Antonio de Uribarri.

Moreover, Bernardo de Sena and Joseph de Armijo state that they were present before the death of the said Phelipa de Rojas, who advised the above mentioned that half of the house where she lives should be given to her daughter, Juan de Anaia; and another strip of land, from a holy cross to the acequia madre; the other half to the house together with a small patio it was her will to leave to Francisco Gonzales, to live therein.  Another strip of land from the holy cross to the river and up to the hose owned now by Juachin de Anaia, was left to the aforesaid.  At the rear of the large house of the deceased, she left a small tract of land to her granddaughter, Maria Antonia.

Reference:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell 1224, Reel 6, Frames 752-755.
©Henrietta M. Christmas

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