Sunday, October 6, 2013

Antonio de Luna ~ Value of Estate 1784 final

Valuation to heirs: 

Santa Fe on September 2, 1784.  In consequence of what was provided in my foregoing decree on the back of leaf 20 and by virtue of the present one of which he shall inform doña Pino and don Miguel Lucero, the Guardian mentioned in these proceedings, the Alcalde Mayor of the said villa shall proceed to carry out partition and division of the property which is inventoried and appraised on both sides of the third and fourth sheet, which should be augmented with the right to collect 118 ewes which are mentioned on the fifth leaf, the 50 varas of land mentioned on the back of the 20th leaf, as well as the value of the leather jacket and the chest which is justly demanded on the sixth, passing in a quittance as extent 60 ewes, the shotgun and the lance, and also as perishable the adze, hoes and the chisel. Likewise there shall be added to the estate proper that all which was exceeded and corresponds to the requisition amount for the funeral, because their owner did not request it, as well as what was spent for the blessed souls in purgatory in the mandatory legacy which is not certified by the corresponding receipts..  Juan Bautista de Anza (rubric)

Total sum of inventory, 5,607
Total of what was added, 845
Total, 4,452
Amount of the burial according to regulation 33
Receipts for Masses, 140, Shroud, 25, subtotal 198, new total, 4,254

Amount of the patrimonial property belonging to the minors:  2,165
Subject to partition, 2,089
Court fees, 16
Total balance subject to partition, 2,073

According to the accounting, each of the parties is entitled to 1,036 pesos and four reales, the amount carried forward, 2,073.

Schedule of doña Maria Catarina Pino
For the cost of the funeral and Masses for which no receipts are shown, 321 pesos.
Her dwelling house in the villa, 300
Debts, 118
One hundred sheep, 200
45 ½ pesos in lambs
Two oxen at 50, subtotal is 1,034p 4 r
Eight pesos for fees are deducted, 1,026 p 4 r.

Schedule of minors:
205 ewes, 410 pesos
Cattle of all ages, 128 pesos
Four oxen, 100 pesos
Pictures and Holy Child, 40
Kettle and griddle, 14
Mortar and spit, 8
Blunderbusses and benches, 27
Branding iron, 12
One plow, 4
One leather jacket and one chest, 40
Lambs, 1531/2,  153 p 4 r.
Debts at 118
Subtotal 1,054 p 4 r
Eight pesos for fees are deducted, new total of 1,046 p 4 r.

Note that the 20 pesos which appear extra in the schedule of the minors  are the 10 from half of household expense, and the other 10 which their mother had already received; add that to the schedule of the minors, which consists of 1046 pesos and 4 reales.
There are added in property subject to partition 2,165 pesos of patrimonial property, for a total of 3,211 pesos 4 reales.

These proceedings have been finished in the form in which the same appear, I transmit all the proceedings to your Excellency for that in view of the same you may determine what may be expedient. Signed Antonio José Ortiz (rubric)

At Santa Fe on September 4, 1784. Having seen the account of the division of the estate which remained at the end and death of Antonio Luna, intestate, I should and do approve the said account in the division and partition of the said property made in the presence of the interested parties. For the purpose and hereafter will be set forth, they will be informed of this, and because the mother of the minors who have been mentioned before cannot be their guardian because she has married a second time and it is time and necessary to appoint one for them judiciously, I shall proceed to do so by appointing the one who has been their guardian, Miguel Lucero, whose appointment, after had it has been accepted, must be sworn to, and the appointment shall be made by the governor of this province of New Mexico, provided and ordered before the undersigned assisting witnesses to which I certify.  Juan Baptista de Anza (rubric)

On September 6, 1784, Miguel Lucero has accepted the guardianship and notified doña Maria Catarina Pino of such.   Signed Antonio Jose Ortiz, Alcalde Mayor

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell #462, Reel #3, Frames 387-430.
©Henrietta M. Christmas

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