Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Diega Maria Garduño ~ Will 1752

She died intestate and had minor children .  Gov. Bustamante went with Phelipe Garduño (her brother) to the home of said deceased to do an inventory.

One new house and all its walls 250 pesos (p),
two pieces of land in which can be planted one half a fanega of wheat 60 p,
one large kettle 25 p,
three Michoacan boxes for keeping clothes with keys 22 p,
two colored and yellow and green 2 p;
one mortar and pestle 2 p,
one flat Mexican iron pan 4 p,
one large iron spit, 4 p,
two boxes without covers 2 p,
one good syringe 2 p,
one flannel skirt 6 p,
one thread shawl 6 p,
one new Brittany shirt 10 p,
one old bread kneading bowl 1 p,
one bread wooden shovel 1 p,
one black blanket 6 p,
one empty can for flour 2 p,
two bed from Pecos, one old and the other without railings 5 p,
14 saints, 12 on paper and two on oil, 12 p, one old bench 3 p;
15 pesos of one serge skirt which they paid for the funeral of Chatalina Durana 15 pesos; belonging to the two heirs and the goods will be divided in equal parts. 

Signed Joseph Bustamante; with witnesses, Juan Gabaldon and Pedro Tafoya.

On said day, month and year, I went to the residence of the said deceased Maria Diega Garduño accompanied by witnesses and I caused to be delivered to the two heirs what was coming to them from the chattels, delivered to Bicente de Sena, heir, 203 pesos 4 reales; and to Garbriel Garduño, 279 pesos 4 reales a house and a tract of land to the east.

Note:  She was buried on May 21, 1752 in Santa Fe.

References:  Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Series I, Twitchell #351, Reel 2, Frame 914-.
©Henrietta M. Christmas

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